The Murder Has Produced A Profound Sensation In Europe. The
Emperor of the French instantly forwarded a letter of con- dolence to Mr. Bigelew. The British Ministry propose on Monday to move a formal address to the Queen, praying Her......
At Precisely The Same Hour—ten O'clock—another Ruffian...
Mr. Seward's sick room, injured Mr. Frederick Seward. so seriously that he is not expected to recover, wounded Major Seward and a male nurse, and then fell upon the help- lees......
News 01? The Week.
O N Wednesday morning the telegraph brought news from America which, as Mr. Gladstone says, struck Europe "with a thrill of horror." A double assassination had been committed in......
The Death Of The President Brought Into Action The Most
unfor- tunate clause in the United States' Constitution. On any such occurrence the Vice-President becomes President as a matter of right, and can be unseated only by a violent......
All The Great Cities Intend, We Believe, To Present...
of condolence either to Mrs. Lincoln or the American Government, and we trust that as the emotion of horror dies away into one of regret the intention may be persisted in. For......
The Mystery Of The Road Murder, Which For Five Years
has per- plexed the police and all who feel an interest in undiscovered crime, has been at last revealed. On Tuesday Miss Constance Kent appeared before Sir Thomas Henry, and......