As He Will Be Tempted To Do, He Will Do
it an injustice. It has much real feeling, and the versification is remarkably good. Of course the feeling is all of the most lugubrious sort. Absence, treason, love's first......
Tales Of Filial Love. By Theodore H. Barreau. (dart= And
Hodge.) —The character of these stories is sufficiently indicated by their title. And they will give children as much pleasure as if they were possible, which generally they are......
Charles Knight's School History Of Engkend. (bradbury And...
is an abridgment of Mr. Knight's popular history, executed by "a member of his family" under his superintendence. It is not merely a collection of extracts, but a re-casting of......
Manual Of The Metalloids. By James Apjohn, M.d., F.r.s.,...
of Chemistry in the University of Dublin. (Longman and Co.)—One of Messrs. Galbraith and Ilaughton's scientific manuals, and intended as a handbook in chemistry for students in......
Experiments, Which Is Rendered Amusing By The Naive...
the author, who seems to fancy himself quite a "light of science." Why does M. Piesse call his tricks "new wonders in the world of alchymy?" Because this is a third edition ?......
Possible To Avoid It. But The Story Is After All
mere machinery for i n troducing the deer-stalking adventures and other incidents of High- land sport. These are told with much animation and descriptive power, and will......
A Jewish &ply To Dr. Coknso's Criticism On The Pentateuch.
(Trnbner and Co.)—If this book, which relates only to the first part of the Bishop• of Natal's criticism, is regarded as a defence of the substantial truth of the leading......
Hymns On The Litany. By A. C. (j. H. And
J. Parker.)—If we- were to mention the best of these hymns we should name No. 5. It pre- serves more of that sombre tone which marks the Litany. The smooth- flowing metres which......
Little Wanderlin And Other Fairy Tales. By A. And E.
Hoary. (Macmillan and Co.)—A. pleasant collection' of wonderful stories, but the small heros and heroines are apt to wander about from marvel to marvel in a . rather unconnected......
Lowland Legends, Chiefly Relating To The Buchan District....
H. G. Reid. (W. P. Nimmo.)—A tiny but valuable addition to legendary lore. The tale of the courtship and marriage of the Earl of Buchan especially deserves preservation, and Mr.......
A Treatise On The Sanitary Management And Utilization Of...
By W. Menzies, Deputy Surveyor of Windsor Forest and Parks. (Long- man and Co.)—Mr. Menzies has given his subject that systematic con- sideration which it requires. If the......
The Progress Of Doctrine In The New Testament. By The
Rev. T. D. Bernard. (Macmillan and Co.)—These eight lectures are the addition to theological literature for the year 1864, the like of which that excellent but mistaken man Mr.......
Mira And Other Poems. By B. Burford Rawlings. (murray And
Co.)—Poems. By George Donald. (Thomas Murray and Son.)—Both these gentlemen give abundant proof of taste, correct feeling, generous impulses, and a cultivated mind. Their poetry......
A Short American Tramp In The Fall Of 1864. By
the Editor of Lift in Normandy. (Edmonston and Douglas.)—Whother the record of geo logical observations which this portly octavo contains will be regarded by the scientific......
More Of Mr. Gosae's Most Characteristic Productions. The...
sists of a collection of detached essays, illustrated by woodcuts, among which we must note a very capital description of Lundy Island and its natural wonders. Even in his......