The murder of the President has rendered it almost difficult
to remember that on Sunday came the great newts of the surrender of General Lee with all his army to General Grant. On the 9th of April General Lee agreed to the mild terms of surrender asked by General Grant. The officers of Lee's army were to give their individual paroles not to take arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged, and each company or regimental commander was to sign a like promise for the men of his command. The arms, artillery, and public property were of course to be given over to the officers of the United States, but the officers were to retain their side-arms and private bag- gage. This done, every man was to be at liberty to return home, and not to be molested so long as he observes his parole and the laws in force where he resides. These mild terms were offered by General Grant after repeated communication with the President, and it is expressly stated that at the Cabinet attended by Mr. Lincoln on the day of his murder he had spoken with the warmest kindness of many of the Confederate leaders, especially General Lee, who will, we are sure, be the first to repudiate the foul crime that has stained his cause.