At the close of the proceedings in the trial of
Joseph Henry, on Wednesday, the prisoner was asked if he bad anything further to say in his defence? In reply, he made an incoherent statement about the heroic nature of the act that he had com- mitted, as it would bring about an alteration in death-punishments; and he now said that the slags had been " imagined " by him to save the consciences of his judges in condemning him. This puzzled the Peers; and questions were put to him to ascertain whether he meant by the word " imagine " that the slugs were imaginary, or whether he "imagined" or devised a particular kind of slug. The answers, however, were evasive, and capable of being construed in any way. At Loot, to remove all doubt, M. Persil proposed a question—" I wish the prisoner to be asked to say, yes or no, whether there were slugs in the pistols." After a little hesitation, Henry said, "I can give you no other answer than what I have already given." He then sat down, and let his head fall on his hand. The Court adjourned at six o'clock; and reassembled on Thursday to discuss the verdict. The discussion is said to have been most animated; some of the Peers pronouncing Henry insane, and consequently guiltless; whilst others main- tained that he had acted with premeditation and a perfect knowledge of what he was doing, and insisted on his being condemned to death. At four o'clock he was declared guilty by a large majority; and the Court then proceeded to deliberate on the punishment.
The Paris letters of Thursday contradict a report that the King of the French was going to the Chateau d'En to receive a visit from the Queen of England: he intended to remain in Paris until the 10th of September, and would then go to St. Cloud for the autumn.
Mr. and Mrs. Cobden had left Paris for Bordeaux.
The Reforme states that the price of wheat has risen in the different provincial markets of France from 50 cents to 1 franc the hectrolitre.
Accounts from Portugal, to the 20th instant, state that the fears of any H.- guelite movement had been completely dispelled, but that as a precautionary measure a strong military force had been concentrated in the province of Minho. The state of money affairs was very unsatisfactory. By Royal decree of the 13th instant, the two Cabrals had been dismissed from the Council of State.
The Second Chamber of the States of Baden has just adopted a unanimous resolution to recommend the Government to enter into negotiations with the other states of Germany for the establishment of a uniform rate of postage.
A letter from Rome states, that Cardinal Mezzofanti has jest founded, under the name of " Opera pia di San Raffaele " an institution for the education of the poorer classes. A violent shock of earthquake took place at Syracuse on the 7th instant. Se veral houses had been thrown down, and twenty persons were said to have been killed. The heat in the island is described as extraordinary.
"A letter from Pondicherry, dated the 8th of July," says the Flotte, " posi- tively announces the occupation of the Bay of Diego Suarez [in Madagascar] by the English."