Topics Of The Day.
THE BENTINCK AND LYNDHURST AFFAIR. LORD GEORGE BENTINCK has raised a prodigious dust—no less familiar term will express his achievement ; yet out of the tur- moil nothing but......
The Theatres.
- Mr. Charles Dance, who for a series of years was the assistant of Mr. Mancha in manufacturing those Olympic pieces in which burlesque for the first time put on a garb of......
The Criminal Law, And Insecurity Of Personal Liberties.
TO THE EMITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 8, Sergeant's Inn, 25th August 1846. Sra—In the able letter of "A Barrister," in your paper of Saturday last, my name is mentioned, coupled,......
East India Shipping.
.Aaarvso--At Gravesend, 22d Aug. British Queen, Page, from Batavia ; 23d, Mar- nilon, Fletcher, from China ; 24th, ElLtabeth, Morice, from Java ; and Roseanne, Crichton, from......