29 AUGUST 1846, page 10

The Mail-steamer Hibernia Arrived At Liverpool Yesterday,...

New York to the 15th instant. On the 27th July the President had transmitted to the Mexican Government an offer to commence negotiations for the settlement of all existing......

A Bathing-machine, With A Tram-road To Match, Has Been...

for the Queen's use, at Medehole, near Osborne House. Lord John Russell went to his Wimbledon Villa yesterday evening; and several ethers of the Cabinet Ministers left town this......

At The Close Of The Proceedings In The Trial Of

Joseph Henry, on Wednesday, the prisoner was asked if he bad anything further to say in his defence? In reply, he made an incoherent statement about the heroic nature of the act......

A Public Meeting At The Guildhall Coffeehouse...

the ehair—resolyed to petition for commutation of the sentence passed on Smith, for the murder of Susan Tolliday. The general subject of capital punishment was postponed for......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The Times states that immediate measures are now contemplated by Go- yernment for improving the condition of the soldier— " For some weeks past a strict......

Money Market.

STOOK EVRIANGE, FaIDAY ATTERNOON. A decided change has occurred in the state of the money-market, in conse- quence of the notice issued yesterday by the Bank of England,......