The accounts of the weather in Bulgaria vary exceedingly, but
according to the most moderate, the thermometer has fallen below zero, sentries are occasionally frozen, as in St. Petersburg, and the snowstorms are extremely severe. The state of the Danube greatly embarrasses the Transport Service, which on the 22nd inst. notified that it could forward no more hay or corn for the horses, and the roads are almost impassable from snow. The health of the men is, however, excellent, and they are, where practicable, adopting the Turkish plan of housing themselves in the earth. The cold, of course, stops epidemics, and in a few days will have made the roads as hard as iron. The greatest danger to com- munications now will be a thaw, but we hear rumours of sus- pension bridges being constructed upon Servian territory. The tunnel under the Danube which must ultimately be made would take too much time.