Sir James Stephen Writes A Long And Singularly Forcible...
to the Times against Mr. Bright's argument for the commence of vast irrigation works in India. He says that English capital is not forthcoming for Indian irrigation, because......
At A Mooting Of Merchant Taylors' School At Ashwell Last
week, the Rev. W. H. Hodgson, the Rector, complained justly of the extravagant cost of charitable dinners. No charitable dinner, he said, should cost more than is. a-head, and......
The Turkish Fleet Has No Doubt Been Of Use To
Turkey, because it has prevented the Russians from transporting armies to the coasts of Bulgaria and Armenia, but it has done very little active service. No Russian port has......
We Note With Interest A Telegram Announcing That Prince...
memoirs and letters are about to be published by his son. If the present Prince is only a little indiscreet, these letters will prove of rare historical interest. The Prince was......
Mr. Welby-g-regory, Writing To Wednesday's Times From...
proposes a new and somewhat original solution .of the vexed question of Burials in Churchyards. He would have that part of the service which is conducted at the grave con-......
Mr. Walpole, In Speaking On Wednesday At A Volunteer Corps'
dinner at Ealing,remarked that this year is the fortieth of the Queen's reign, and that only three other English monarchs,—of course Henry III., Elizabeth, and George III.,—had......
A Great Chemical Feat Was Achieved On Saturday Last.
Oxygen, which had hitherto defied all attempts to reduce it by compression to the liquid form, was liquefied by M. Raoul Pictet at Geneva, under a pressure which did not exceed......
Lord Shaftesbury Is An Excellent Man, But His Excellence Is
cer- tainly not of a kind to serve as a breakwater against the intel- lectual scepticism of the day on matters affecting revelation. He has intimated his intention to withdraw......