Robin Trimmings.
[TO THE EDITOR OE THE " SPEOTATOE.1 Sin,—Clearly David was wrong when he said, " Thou fashionest our hearts alike," for while the "fashioning" of my heart made it so tender for......
[TO THE HONOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR.1 Sin,—In reference to your article on "Omens," and the mystic importance attached to the innocent juxtaposition of the letters N.E.V.A.," did......
Letters To The Editor.
SHORT-SIGHT. [To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—As the question mooted in one of your recent annotations; is certain, under our present system of compulsory education, to......
[TO TER EDITOR OF THE "SPROTATOR.I SRI, —In the Spectator of December 22, Miss Cobbe very properly 'calls attention to a single paragraph taken from the Times of the 18th, in......
MR. KEMEYS'S ANIMAL GROUPS. THESE works are exhibited at No. 29 Argyle Street, W. America has long been twitted on her lack of a national and original school of art, but these......
The Russian Prisoners.
[TO TES EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] 'Silt,—The note in your last number on the absence of Russian prisoners in Plevna set me thinking on a question that has often been asked,......