The now Ministry in France is apparently acting very wisely
in giving as its watchwords moderation and comprehension. M. Bardoux, the Minister of Public Instruction, in addressing the Council-General of Clermont-Ferrand, of which he was re-elected President, said:—" Our Parliamentary Republic is like France, generous and open to all. It has its origin in her sincere love of democracy, in her consciousness of her intellectual and moral wants, as well as of her material wants. Its aim is to bring peace, to teach reverence for the law, and respect for one another." And the key-note thus struck has been taken up by the Republi- can leaders in many others of the Councils-General. The old Monarchists and Imperialists aro offered perfect equality, if they will but renounce their conspiracies against the will of the nation. And this is evidently the tone which best pleases the Republican majority, who are weary of vindictive policies and penal administration.