Very little news has arrived from the seat of war,
either in Europe or Asia. In Armenia, General Melikoff is completing his preparations for the investment of Erzeroum, but the grand assault is still delayed, partly by the bad weather, which delays the reinforcements from Kars, In Bulgaria General Gourko is preparing for the attack on Sophia, but his movements are indistinguishable, and are believed to be hampered by the excessive cold, which threatens the transit of supplies across the Danube. The moving ice shatters the bridges. The Servians are, however, moving on, have captured Mramor and Ak Palanka, and have invested Widdin and Nisch, The Turks on their side are leaving Bulgaria for Constantinople, and an army is to be formed for the defence of Adrianople, which Turcophiles assert will be 200,000 strong. Out of this force, however, scarcely one-third can be regulars, as large garrisons must have been left in Rustchuk,
Shumla, Silistria, and Varna, The war, in fact, halts for the next movement of the Russians, who are delayed by the cold.