The Independent Liberals, not to be behind the Coalition and
the Labour Party, published on Saturday last a draft of an industrial policy. A National Industrial Council, representing employers, workmen, and the community, with a Minister in the chair, should set up joint committees in the various industries to fix standard hours of work and minimum wages. Each trade group should deal with unemployment in its own ranks, with State help, and the joint committees should administer the funds. The Independent Liberals oppose nationalization in general, but would be prepared to place under State control certain industries in which there is no free competition. They would apparently repeal the Agriculture Act and abolish the State guarantee of corn prices and the State control of farming. They would reduce national expenditure by at least a fourth, and view with favour a capital levy for the redemption of the War Debt. They would revive the site-value taxes which even their author has admitted to be unprofitable. Finally, the Independent Liberals repudiate the idea of a class war.