The " Tour De Beurre."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sui,—Is the writer of the recent article in your columns, "Money Matters," correct in saying that the Tour de Beurre arose from the giving......
The Plumage Bill.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—" We are all bird-lovers here," was Mr. Bartley Denniss's- remark when he and his little band were strangling the Plumage Bill by......
The Roman Church And Ireland.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—Referring to your recent articles on the attitude of the Roman Catholic hierarchy to the Sinn Fein movement in Ireland, and to the......
Colour In Our Streets.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, I am much interested in the two letters in your issues for January 1st and 8th on " Colour in Our Streets," for I have long wondered......
The Late Bishop Of Durham. [to The Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR."] SLE,—I have been entrusted with the task of preparing a Life of the Right Bev. H. C. G. Motile, D.D., the late Bishop of Durham. I shall be grateful if I may say......
The Power Of The Priest In Ireland. [to The Editor
OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I, very briefly, add to the testimony of Colonel Haggard in your last issue as to the power of the priest in Ireland? I was talking to a......
The Moon " Lying On Her Back." [to The Editor
OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,— As a constant reader of the Spectator I shall be much obliged if you or any of your readers can give me any informa- tion about the moon "lying on......
Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the......
The Editor Would Be Obliged If The Writer Of A
letter on profit-sharing which appeared in the Spectator of Decem- ber 25th would communicate with him, as the Editor has mislaid his address.......
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