Histoire Du Canada. Par Francois Xavier Garneau. Revue...
petit-fils Hector Garneau. Vol. II. (Paris : Alcan. 30 fr. net.)—The well-known history of Canada by a French- Canadian, the late M. Garneau, is appearing in a carefully revised......
William Bolts, A Dutch Adventurer Under John Company. By N.
L. Hallward. (Cambridge University Press. 15s. net.) —Clive on his last visit to Bengal had to discipline the servants of the East India Company and restrict their private......
The Contemporary Art Society Has Issued A Report Of Its
work during the years of war. Its purpose is to acquire works of modern art for loan or gift to public galleries, and the report, which is illustrated, shows that the society......
The Story Of My Life. By Philip Meadows Taylor. New
Edition by Henry Bruce. (Milford. 16s. net.)—Meadows Taylor, the author of the Confessions of a Thug, was assuredly one of the most gifted and tactful Englishmen who ever served......
A Miscellany Of The Wits. Edited By K. N. Colvile.
(Philip Allan. 15s. net.)—This scholarly and exceptionally well-printed volume in " The Scholar's Library " contains some satirical pieces of Queen Anne's day—" A Journey to......
An Embroidery Book. By A. K. Arthur. (a. And C.
Black. 10s. 6d.)—Perhaps now the war is over women have leisure for embroidery. It is a gentle and pleasing art, and this volume should be of assistance to all would-be......
Shorthorns In Central And Southern Scotland. By James...
12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Cameron, an expert writing on his special subject, has produced a book of real value to anyone concerned in the breeding of Shorthorns. Moreover, his......
The Kaiser's Letters To The Tsar. Edited By N. F.
Grant. (Hodder and Stoughton. 12s. 6d. net.)—This book contains the The Kaiser's Letters to the Tsar. Edited by N. F. Grant. (Hodder and Stoughton. 12s. 6d. net.)—This book......
Science Progress (murray, 6s. Net), The Valuable...
Sir Ronald Ross, gives in its January number an article on " The Inheritance of Acquired Characters " by Professor E. W. MacBride, who maintains on the evidence of experiments......
Government And Politics Of France. By E. M. Sait. (harrap.
10s. 6c1. net.)—Professor Sait of California University has written a most valuable and illuminating account of the way in which France is governed to-day. His chapters on the......