The following vessels have put into Port Louis. Mauritius, to repair damages received in a hurricane on the 6th April last—viz. the Argo. Billing ; and Waverley. Morgan. from Batavia; Blanch. Silk; and Robin Gray, Patulla, from Calcutta; and Brox- bourneburg. Burnett, from Bombay. Amtryzo—At Gravesend, 224 July, Windsor, Vass, from Calcutta ; 25th, Thomas Lowry. Graham, from China; and Edward Boosted. Arnold, from Singapore ; 26th, Walmer Castle. Campbell, from Calcutta; and Palestine. M'Lean, from Bombay; 27th, Tar, Langley, from Batavia. In the Downs, 26th. Susan Crisp. Cobden, from Batavia; 27th„ Hindostan, Bowen, from China ; and Amelia. Brown, from the Cape. Off Falmouth, 25th, Thomas and Joseph Crisp, Lawrence, from Mauritius; and 27th, Oscar, Law rence, from Batavia. At Liverpool, 23d, Earl Grey, kV Queen ; and John Bibby, Cawdett, from Calcutta ; and Reis Effendi, Pringle, from Mauritius; 26th, Philoponttis. Ramsay, from Calcutta ; and Tory, Johnstone. from Bombay. At Greenock. 25th, Mount Stewart Elphinstone, Lawton. from Bombay. At St. Helena, previous to 13th June. Medusa, Purdie, from China; Burhampooter. Brown ; Prince of Wales. Wilson; Mary Ray. Elwood; and Robert Henderson. from Calcutta; Mary Ann, Bolton ; William Bryan, M'Lean; and Hannah Kerr, Potter. from Bombay. At Cape of Good Hope, previous to 19th May, Anna Robertson, Ham- ilton; Bosphorus, Tregartheo; and Jessie Anderson. Morrison. from London ; Duke of Roxburgh. Collard, from Plymouth; and Elizabeth Rowell, Wake, from Liverpool. SAILED—From Gravesend, 2.3c1 July. Rosalind, Gate, for Bombay ; 24th. Southamp- ton. Bower, for Calcutta ; 2611,, Agincourt. Nesbitt ; Plantagenet, Domett; and Ban. galore, Smith, for Calcutta ; aud Malabar. Pollock, for Bombay ; 27th, Childe Harold. Willis, for Bombay. From Liverpool. 224. Minerva, Brown. for Bombay; 25th, Prin- cess Royal, Lewis; and Heart of Oak. M'Donald, for Calcutta ; and 27th, Lanrick, Langley, for Bombay. From Greenock. 21st. M'Inroy, Marmad, for Ceylon. SATURDAY MORNING.— SAILED—FIOID Liverpool, 28th July, Flora Mitre, Brown, for Hong-kong; Matilda, Rowe; Otterspool. Wickman, for Calcutta.