What With Flourishing Funds And Imposing Discipline, Mr....
keeps the Repeal excitement up to the mark. The Repeal finance accounts show an increase on the quarter of 14,000/. and more as compared with the corresponding quarter of 1842.......
The State Of South Wales Has Again Become Actively Disturbed
: blood has once more been shed ; and the popular inclination to tumult increases. The troops in the district are multiplied; they are subject to a harrassing duty ; but all in......
Durham Election Creates More Interest Than Seems Due To It.
The Liberal party chuckle because Ministers have been defeated in a Tory stronghold, and because Mr. COBDEN'S vicegerent in the Anti-Corn-law League, Mr. Joins BRIGHT, has......
Madrid Has Yielded To The Revolution, And To All Appearance
the cause of ESPARTERO is hopeless. The condition of Spain is most melancholy in every aspect. ESPARTERO, once the judicious, the brave, the energetic, left the capital for the......
News Of The Week.
As the shooting-season approaches, debating in Parliament gives place to actual law-manufacturing ; and whereas, no long time back, one measure or even one clause would be......