Debates Anti Vrorectrings In Varliament.
EDUCATION. In the House of Commons, on Tuesday, Mr. HUME proposed a plan of national education ; stating that he had arranged his motion with Mr. Roebuck in the first week of......
Zbe Vrobintes.
The nomination of candidates for the city of Durham took place on Monday ; when Mr. John Bright, a leading member of the Anti-Corn- law League, and Mr. Purvis, a Chancery......
A. Court of Aldermen was held on Tuesday, for the despatch of busi- ness. The Lord Mayor presented a paper containing lists of inaccura- cies in gauging; representing that a......
Sbe Erourt.
THE presence of visiters at Buckingham Palace has imparted gayety and activity to the movements of the Court. The Queen gave a state ball on Monday evening; the state apart-......