29 JULY 1843, Page 17


Frees July 21st to July nth.


Australia and the East : being a Journal of a Voyage to New South

Wales in an Emigrant Ship ; with a Residence of some months in Sydney and the Bush, and the Route Home by way of Judie and Egypt ; in the years 1841 and 1842. By JOHN HOOD, of Stoneridge, Berwick- shire.

Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrcea, and the Holy Land. By the Reverend STEPHEN OLIN, D.D., President of the Wesleyan University. With twelve illustrations on steel. In two volumes.

Description of the Skeleton of an Extinct Gigantic Sloth, Mylodon Ro- bustus. Owen; with Observations on the Osteology, Natural Affinities„ and Probable Habits of the Megatherioid Quadrupeds in general. By RICHARD OWEN, F.A.S., &c.

Account of the Museum of Economic Geology and Mining Records Office,

established by Government, in the department of her Majesty's om- missioners of Woods and Forests, under the direction of Sir Hammy De LA Beciaz, F.R.S., F.G.S, Nos. 5 and 6, Craig's Court, Charing Cross. By T. SOPWITH, F.G.S., &c.; Author of "A Treatise on Isometrics] Drawing," &c. [The Museum of Economic Geology was founded by Government in 1839, at the suggestion of Sir HENRY DE LA BECHE ; and with it was conjoined a Mining Record Office. The first object of the Museum was to serve as a place of deposit for such rare specimens as might be collected by the persons employed in the Ordnance Geological Survey; and to these have since been added a variety of presents from private individuals, and the whole of the specimens of building-stone reported upon by the Committee appointed to settle the mate- rial to be used in the new Houses of Parliament. The Mining Record Office was designed to receive duplicate accounts of the working of mines, with a view to various practical purposes; but it now contains many models of mines, and is connected with a laboratory, where soils may be analyzed for the public at a small fee, and where instruction is given to pupils in analytical chemistry, metallurgy, and mineralogy, by Mr. PHILLIPS. The Museum now contains a great number of interesting and beautiful specimens, and is open gratuitously to the public daily : the Mining Record Office can be seen by special appli- es Cato.

Account of the Museum of Economic Geology is not exactly a cata- logue of contents, since every article in the Museum Is so fully labelled that a catalogue is needless ; bat is designed to give a general view of the history and objects of these public-spirited foundettiode, and to direct attention to the amusement and instruction that May be derived from a visit to the Museum. For though it is a maxim of the Director, Sir HENRY DE LA BEMIS, to re- gard utility, and not mere ornament or temporary gratification," in the ad- mission of specimens, yet this principle extends to every thing with a geological basis; so that the collection not only contains specimens of stones, marbles, coal, and mineral ores, with what are geologically called rocks, but manufac- tures of earthenware and metals.

This little book is drawn up by Mr. SOPWITH, the well-known geologist, and the suggester of the Mining Records Office, and published without much view to profit either on the part of publiaber or author : it is a fair-sized little volume, got up in MURRAY'S hest style, with several ornsmental and illustra- tive cats; and is sold for a shilling.] '

The Smiths ; a Novel. By the Author of "The Maid's Husband," &c. In three volumes.

[The basis of this story is the Will of a City miser, which directs, "that his nephew, Henry Smith, shall marry his cdtzsm,..Elizabeth Smith"; forfeiture of the fortune being the penalty of refusal on either side. The details of the novel consist in a minute description of the history and persons of the Smith family. The interest of the tale arises from the two cousins falling in love with each other without knowing their relationship, and in the efforts of the young lady's mother to secure the fortune to her daughter by scheming to allow the lover to refuse obedience to the will.

The idea of this incident is derived from a very pleasant article that appeared in the London Magazine many years ago, and was subsequently dramatized at the Olympic Theatre. It has gained nothing by its present reappearance. In the original form, the motive of the will was reasonable, and the conduct effec- tive, with enough of probability. The object was to preserve a family estate yet In benefit both children; and the old uncle, if we remember rightly, expressly directed that the cousins should not be brought up together, or see each other, as he thought it was a sure way to create antipathies. In. The Smiths, there are no motives for the will, but several agiinst it : the nephew had arrived at manhood, and had embarked in a career which his uncle approved of ; yet he takes no steps to see him : and he was not even sure that his niece was living—she has to be adver- tized. But the treatment is even more defective than the plan. In the original tale, a few chapters suffice to present the incidents tersely and with dramatic effect ; in the novel, little more than the same material is expanded into nearly three volumes—for there is another tale to eke out the last volume. This is done by the minute and prolix description of common characters and common events, such as every village or every street would supply ; by long and not very striking reflections; by a tedious love-story of a gentleman of fifty who wishes to marry the heroine and by a not very probable history of the hero's father and mother,—though it is one of the most interesting parts of the book. The author of The Smiths possesses an easy and agreeable style, with considerable ability as a miniature painter of common life ; and some of his incidents show him to be capable of dramatic effects. He has ostensibly failed from prolixity, but in reality from lack of matter—from endeavouring to invest too commonplace persons and things with the importance and space of a three-volume fiction. The moral which the author aims at inculcating in The Smiths, is the mis- chief of marriages out of one's own class or caste. For this he has altered the original story ; yet without fully achieving his object In his fiction one or two of the children seem chiefly to suffer; and the conclusion he arrives at would forbid any effort of persons to advance themselves in life, since the re- sult would be the same, supposing he had represented the result truly.] The Battle of Loncarty ; an Historical Poem, in ten cantos: and The Retired Lieutenant ; a Poem. By JOHN LAKE, Author of the Comedy of "The Golden Glove." [This volume contains two poems,—The Battle of Lancarty, founded on the 1 egendary exploit that is said to have ennobled the house of HAY; with which ia connected the love-adventures and disguises of the Scottish Monarch: The Retired Lieutenant, a tale descriptive of the every-day life and death of a half-pay officer who has settled in a country-town. The first poem is not without the interest which attaches to a story; but the volume has slender merit beyond this quality. Mr. JOHN LAKE is a pupil of SCOTT in versifica- tion; but the pupil is far below the master.] Events of a .Military Lift; ; being Recollections after Service in the Peninsular War, Invasion of France, the East Indies, St. Helena, Ca- nada, and elsewhere. By WALTER HENRY, Esq., Surgeon to the Forces, First; Class. Second edition, revised and enlarged. In two 'volumes. [A revised and enlarged, though we believe the first English edition, of a work we noticed two or three years ago. To those readers who do not file their paper, or have not good memories, we may say that Mr. HENRY'S adventures embrace war and social reminiscences both in Europe and India„ me intercourse with H NAPOLEON'S suite and NAPOLEON himself at St. Helena, together with sketches of life in Canada. The mere extent of subjects, however, is the least merit of the book; which combines adventure, autobiography, travels, and sketches of society, and is written moreover in a spirited and pleasant manner.]

Felix Summer/es Day's Excursions Out of London to Erith, .Rochester, and Cobham in Kent. With Illustrations and suitable Maps.

[Among the cargoes of Cocknies in search of recreation that daily em- bark Gravesend steamers ,how small a proportion know what delightful ex- cursions are within a morning's walk or an hour's ride of them ; the antiquities of Rochester Castle and Cathedral, the park and pictures of Cobham Hall, and the picturesque church and scenery of Erith. The characteristics of these places and their historical associations are indicated by FELIX SUMMERLY, in that lively, easy, and agreeable manner which constitutes the charm of his guide-books: his glancing touches are more expressive and sug- gestive of ideas than the most laboured descriptions. The little volume is tastefully got up, and illustrated by a number of cuts, slight and sketchy—too much so, perhaps—but effective; and with maps of the district traversed and of the suburbs of London. So pleasant and popular a cicerone is FELIX SUMMERLY, that we hope he will carry out his Day's Excursions in other quarters. A volume of suburban rambles within a morning's reach would be very acceptable to Londoners.] Hours in Lord Northwick's Picture-Gallery ; being Notices of some of the principal Paintings contained in the Thirlestane House Collection. [An intelligent catalogue ransonnee of Lord NORTHWICK'S collection of pic- tures at Thirlestane House, reprinted from the Cheltenham-Looker-on.] A Catalogue of British Fossils : comprising all the genera and species hitherto described; with references to their geological distribution, and to the localities in which they have been found. By Joint. MORRIS. [A careful-looking and elaborate compilation, containing a list of all the fossil remains that have been discovered in Great Britain, from plants to mammalia. The catalogue is lucidly arranged, with a reference to the authorities, as well as to the strata and the localities in which the subjects are found. An index of the different species is added, and a list of the principal works which the author has consulted.] Monomania. By DRY NURSE. [A satire in verse on M‘NAuGHTEN's trial; exemplifying that peculiar form of monomania with which this Dry Nurse, poor old soul ! is afflicted, commonly called Scribbleomania. BYRON'S Beppo is the model.]

Vegetable Physiology and Botany. (Popular Cyclopmdia of Natural Science.)

Mechanical Philosophy, Horology, and Astronomy. By WILLIAM B.

CARPENTER, M.D., &c. (Popular Cyclopiedia of Natural Science.) [The completion into volumes of a series of popular expositions of scientific subjects, which we have noted as they appeared, especially the capital account of Vegetable Physiology and Botany.]


Animal Physiology. Part L By WILLIAM B. CARPENTER, M.D., Author of "Principles of General and Comparative Physiology," &c. (Popular Cyclopredia of Natural Science.) Sketches of Modern Philosophy, especially among the Germans. By JAMES MURDOCK, D.D. (The Student's Cabinet Library of Useful Tracts.. No. XLL1L)

Sktuer's German Amaranths, No. VIL


Coloured Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds; accompanied with Descriptions of the Eggs, Nests, &c. By WILLIAM C. IlEwiTsoN. Part I. [This work will comprise a new edition of the author's British Oology and the Supplement; the text being rewritten and augmented, with an entirely new set of drawings, made from a different series of eggs. The plates in this part are beautifully executed; the forms and markings of the eggs being preserved with minute exactness in the figures, which are coloured by JOSEPH STANErsia. It is to appear in monthly parts, uniform in size and arrangement with Mr. TARRELL's work on British Birds. Mr. Hrwrrsow solicits any curious in- formation relating to birds and their nests, and especially the loan of any eggs that have not been figured by him.] Abbotsford Edition of the Waverley Novels, Parts XXXIL and XXXUI.


Du 7'raitement de la Phthisie Pulmonaire. Quelques Reflexions sur lea Phthisiques observes h l'Heopital Saint-Andre de Bordeaux. Par EMILE Ls. PEREIRA, Medecin titulaire de l'HOpital Saint-Andre de Bordeaux. [M.EsuEE-Ls. FAREYEA is a medical officer of the Hospital of St. Andrew at Bordeaux, whose attention has been directed to pulmonary consumption. In attributing the origin of consumption to scrofula there is no novelty, though M. PERETRA. seems to consider it a discovery: CLARK, if not others, had pointed out a strumoua constitution as the original cause of the disorder, before 1837, when M. PERETRA first inferred it from the rapid march of phthisis in some scrofulous children. The prescription of oil of cod's livers (" rhuile de fine de morue ") has more novelty. Our author was directed to its use in con- sequence of reading that it was sucebssfully prescribed in scrofulous cases in Germany ; and he found considerable success attend its practice. From the his- tory of some cases it would appear to be a specific, did we not see that M. Pk- 'MYRA combines it with other treatment, and that the mortality is still consi- derable--nearly one in three; especially when regard is had to the probability that many of the patients are only in the first stage, and benefit by general treatment, whilst many of those who leave the hospital may die afterwards. The following are the latest statistics.

• Spectator, No. 669; 24th April 1841, Statistigue des Phthisigtses gaselai eus dans mes :wiles, du bar Mars 1841 jusqu au ler Mars 1843.


Sortis. Hommes 67 Femmes 30 .. Total 97 Marts. Hommes 32 Femmes 11 . Total 43 Beate. Hommes 2 Femmes 5 .. Total r

— — —

Hommes 101 Femmes 46 . Total 147 Age. Hommes. Femmes. Total.

De 10 a 20 11 12 23 De 20 it 30 ... 44 18 62 De 30 a 40 32 10 42 De 40 et au-dessus 14 6 20 — — 101 46 147

"Les extremes ont ete un petit garcon de six ans, et deux hommes, run age de cinquante-trois ans, l'autre de soixante et nu. Ces deux derniers sont morts, et l'autopsie n'a laisse aucun doute sue la nature de la =Wk."] A Charge to the Clergy of Dublin and Glandelagh, delivered in St. Patrick's Cathedral, June 1843. By RICHARD WHATELY, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. To which is appended a Petition to the House of Lords, praying for a Church Government; together with the Report of the Debate on its presentation, and some additional Remarks. Railway Reform; its Expediency and Practicability Considered. With a copious Appendix, containing a description of all the Railways in Great Britain and Ireland; fluctuations in the prices of shares; statistical and Parliamentary returns, &c. Twenty-third Annual Report of the Directors of the Dundee Royal Asylum for Lunatics; submitted, in terms of their charter, to a general meeting of the Directors, 19th June 1843. Corn-laws. Substance of a Speech in the House of Commons, 11th May 1843. By W. B. WRIGHTSON, Esq., M.P.

Thoughts on Traits of the Ministerial Policy. By a Very Quiet Looker- On.

Discovery of the True Causes why the Repeal of the Union with Rome and the Strengthening of the Connexion with Great Britain can alone secure the Peace, Happiness, and Permanent Prosperity of Ireland from the Intrigues of Foreign Enemies and the Insurrectionary Disturbance and Frauds of Domestic Traitors. As enumerated in the annexed Pe- tition to the House of Commons, by the Reverend Sir HARCOURT LEES, Bart., M.A , &c.; Author of "The Antidote," &c.

Puseyism in London. Reprinted from the Morning Post. Puseyism Confronted with the Church of England, and its true character shown.

Suppression of Spontaneous Combustion in Wool- Ships, &c. &c. Sec. By W. BLAND, Esq.


TVyld's Post-office Map of London.

[A full and comprehensive plan of the Metropolis and suburbs; including Chelsea, Walworth, Camden Town, Islington, Stratford, and the Docks, wit part of Greenwich and Deptford. The map is divided into compartments em- bracing two square miles each, coloured blue and red, and numbered for convenient reference; and it folds into a small cover, which also encloses a complete index of streets and public places, by which a stranger may in a moment find out any place he is in search of The omnibus-routes and railways are also ccj loured, though not vividly enough.]


Six Songs ; the Words selected from the Poems of Lord Byron, Thomas Moore, Goeth_je Sir Walter Scott, and the Honourable Mrs. Norton; the Music by kiORA.TIA FEILDING.