The second edition of the Morning Chronicle contains the Spanish
news which had reached Paris yesterday. Intelligence from Madrid, dated the 23d, states the conditions on which the capital was surren- dered— "A conference was held between a deputation from the authorities of Madrid and General Narvaez. The conditions offered by the deputation were, that Madrid should open its gates—that the National Guard should be well treated— that past events should be forgotten—and that a Central Junta should be ap- pointed, and General Aspiroz should be nominated President. The condition's were debated in a conference. It appears that Narvaez publicly required, int the first instance, the disbanding of the National Guard, and the dissolution of the Municipal Council; and added, that he would not enter Madrid until it had resumed its ordinary appearance; namely, until the barricades had bees. removed, and the ditches filled up."
Seoane was treated with respect by his captor. Further news is con- veyed by the subjoined telegraphic despatches-
.• Madrid. 25th July, a.m. "The Lopez Ministry is constituted. All the troops which surrounded the capital have entered it. The National Militia were disarmed in the course of yesterday. M. Arguelles, tutor to the Queen, has given in his resignation." Perpignan, 26th July. "Le Pepin entered Barcelona on the 24th, coming from Valencia, where news arrived on the 22d, by the steam-boat l'Elbe, that the Spanish frigate Cortes and two small ships were off Algesiras on the 14th, on their way to blockade Cadiz. Concha was at Campillo de Arena° on the 14th, marching to encounter Espartero. The islands of Minorca and Ivies, with their garri- sons, have pronounced."