[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:I Srs,—Many of our gallant defenders have these qualifications at the present moment, but their time is strictly devoted for the most part to the matter of the greatest moment : active service in the field. Why is Mr. Winston Churchill so often in England at the present crisis attending to Parliamentary duties and with leisure to write for the Press, with a view, I presume, to salting the path to future political advancement Mr. Churchill's masterly activity and ability for seeking the limelight of notoriety are well known. The nation is to a groat extent brighter owing to our strenuous experience, and is better able to judge of the form and tone of its representatives in Parliament. Personally, I would like to see him fulfilling the glorious tradition of the Army—duke et decorum eat pro putrid mori—and not playing for loaves and fishes by changing the last word into loqui.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Geo. T. Lowe.
Highfield Place, 74 New North Road, Huddersfield. .