Soldier Or M.p. ?
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:I Srs,—Many of our gallant defenders have these qualifications at the present moment, but their time is strictly devoted for the most part to......
A Shakespearean Cento.
[TO TM EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.''j SIE,—The following is a Shakespearean address descriptive of the present military situation. I only claim that in it there is not a......
War And Peace.
[To THE EDITOZ OF THE " SPECTAT011 Sue,—The philosopher Hegel (born at Stuttgart, removed to Berlin in 1818, died there in 1831) taught views about war that may be stated as......
. The Disabled Soldier.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTAT011.1 Ste,—Roferring to your correspondence on this subject and the sug- gestion that there should be a " Soldiers' and Sailors' Friend " in every......
England And Australia.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sts,—May I, through your courtesy, extend a pen-and-ink handshake to " W. V. H.," who in your issue of July 15th writes ono of the most......