Burden's Hospitals And Charities, 1916. By Sir Henry...
Press. 10s. 6d. net.)—The veteran editor of this familiar and indispensable book again asks in his preface for a successor, as he has worked for the voluntary hospitals through......
Chemistry In The Service Of Man. By Alexander Findlay....
and Co. 8s. net.)—Professor Findlay writes for the intelligent reader who knows a little chemistry and would like to know morn. He explains the leading principles of modern......
Philosophy And War. By Emile Boutroux. (constable And Co....
6d.)—While combating the idea that German philosophers of the past can be held responsible for the use which is now being made of their doctrines, it does not follow, says M.......
The Nation And Alcohol. By A. W. Richardson. (student...
Movement, Chancery Lane. Lid. net.)—A reprint of some very useful articles contributed to the Student Movement by Miss Anne Richardson, the public-spirited Vice-Principal of......
The Village Gods Of South India. By The Right Rev.
H. Whitehead, Bishop of Madras. (H. Milford. 2s. 6d. net.)—In this little volume, the first of a series on " The Religious Life of India," the Bishop of Madras describes from......