29 JUNE 1878, Page 1

It is understood that Austria, always lucky except in battle,

will be allowed to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina as a prelude to annexation ; that Montenegro will have Antivari and a dis- trict to the south ; and that Servia will be extended to Nish ; and the only serious dispute now relates to Greece. The Turks say they will retire if anything is given to Greece, but the Greeks say that they would have entered Turkey In August, if the Powers bad not made them promises in which they trusted. The impression among the Special Corre- spondents, most of whom are very Turkish, is that Greece will get nothing, but we believe the Plenipotentiaries wish to make their work very complete. They will probably, therefore, assign Crete, Volo, and Arta to Greece, and make of Macedonia, Thessaly, and Epirus another autonomous State, called West Roumelia, per- haps governed, as the Principalities once were, by Greek Hospodars, named by the Sultan. Up to Friday evening, we are bound to add the little evidence obtainable was against the Greeks ; but they have in England, Italy, and Prince Bismarck powerful friends, they can expel King George, who is strongly protected personally, .and they can admit the European revolution into Eastern Europe, which the dynasts do not desire. In spite, therefore, of appearances—and of their own bad conduct in not declaring war—we think their prospects better than the world believes.