29 JUNE 1878, page 1

We Are Informed, On Authority Which Has Frequently Been...

that Greece will have in the final discussion one deter- mined supporter, who may make one day's meeting of Congress very serious. This is Count Corti, behind whom may be found......

In The Discussion Of The Bill, It Soon Became Obvious

that a great many of the strictest Tories really disapproved the central pro- vision against which Mr. Forster's amendment was directed. Mr. Wheelhouse, for instance......

It Is Understood That Austria, Always Lucky Except In...

will be allowed to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina as a prelude to annexation ; that Montenegro will have Antivari and a dis- trict to the south ; and that Servia will be extended......

News Of The Week

C ONGRESS is getting on. It has, it is said, advanced so far, that all fear of collision is now over, and that it will separate on or before July 10th. This is, perhaps,......

Queen Mercedes Of Spain Died, At Madrid, Of Aggravated...

fever, on the 26th inst. She was only just eighteen, had not been married six months, and must have had charming qualities, to excite the deep and almost personal sorrow which......

The Contagions Diseases (animals) Bill,—in Other Words,...

compelling the slaughter of all fat animals imported from every European country—Canada and the United States are not to be included in the same prohibition—was moved in the......

10 „,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...
