29 JUNE 1878, page 2

It Is Impossible Not To Feel Pity For Mr. James

Francis Wedderburn Bishop, of Bramdean House, Hampshire, who has just been sentenced to three years' imprisonment at Berlin. He was guilty, but he was probably in his own eyes a......

In The Discussion Of The Bill, It Soon Became Obvious

that a great many of the strictest Tories really disapproved the central pro- vision against which Mr. Forster's amendment was directed. Mr. Wheelhouse, for instance......

Mr. Macdonald And Mr. Burt On Friday Week Endeavoured To

obtain still more stringent inspection of English mines, maintain- ing that the Inspectors did not inspect enough. Mr. Cross replied that there had been enough inspection, ever......

The Secret About Which Such An Extraordinary Number Of...

hoods have been told appears to have been revealed at last. The extreme Tories have never been tired of abusing the Russian Embassy for its baseness in betraying the......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson Does Not Make Much Progress With His

Permissive Bill. It was again rejected on Wednesday by 278 to 84 votes, or by a majority of 194. Sir Wilfrid, who was well enough to appear and speak for his Bill again, after......

The Government Of India Should Order A New Census Of

the districts of Southern India affected by the famine. It is impos- sible to legislate for the prevention of famines, unless we can estimate the pressure with which we have to......

In A Letter On The Subject Of The Government Cattle

Bill to last Saturday's Times, Mr. James Caird puts with unanswerable force the extraordinary capriciousness of its provisions. Cows and lean stock, after a short quarantine,......

Encouraging Secondary Education In Ireland, By Devoting...

of /1,000,000 of the surplus of the Irish Church to assisting the most deserving of those who are under education, and the most efficient of the secondary schools which give it.......

Mr. Dillwyn Has Given Notice Of A Motion On Going

into Com- mittee of Supply which goes to the heart of our recent financial chaos, and deserves the most careful and weighty discussion. He is to bring before the House the......