[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] `SIR,—You advocate this scheme, although you admit that it would make a great demand upon the taxpayers,—two million sterling you suggest. Let me point out how unfairly this -would act upon those who do, and must, pay a school rate. Take our case in Scotland. It would be intolerable, in addi- tion to our school rate, if we had to pay twopence in the pound of extra Income-tax to satisfy the dogmatic tendencies -of English Churchmen. So intolerable would it be, and so unjust, that I cannot imagine any Chancellor of the Ex- -chequer entertaining for a moment such a scheme.—I am,
sir, &c., W. G. SCOTT-MONCRIEFP. Weedingshall, Polmont, Stirlingshire.
[We assume that in the apportionment of the educational grant, the separate circumstances of each kingdom would be taken into account, so that what was not received in one form would be made good in another.—ED. Spectator.]