The Papers Of The Manchester Literary Club. Vol. Xiii. 1891.
(Heywood, Manchester and London.) —We have had, on various occasions, the pleasure of welcoming this interesting series of volumes, also calling itself, whether for the first......
The Chinaman At Home. By Tcheng-ki-tong. Translated By R. H.
Sherard. (Marsden.)—In this volume, a sequel to others by the same author, we have an account of the "private amuse- ments and small public fates " of the Chinese people. The......
The Story Of Babette, A Little Creole Girl. By Ruth
Manery Stuart. (Osgood, McIlviane, and Co.)—This is one of the most delightful tales that it has ever been our good fortune to read. Babette, one of the daughters of Colonel le......
From China To Peru Over The Andes. By Mrs. Howard
Vincent. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—Mrs. Howard Vincent writes agreeably about the humours, perils, and pleasures of travel. She happened to reach Brazil just when the Army......
Christus Imperator. Edited By Charles William Stubbs,...
of "Lecture Sermons on the Universal Empire of Christianity" is, naturally, one of very varied merit. Some of them put the case as effectively as could be desired. Nothing could......
Wandering Words. By Sir Edwin Arnold. (longmans.)—sir...
us in this volume a quite delightful variety of subjects, most of them of a kind which it is very good to read about. The first paper bears the title of " An Earthly Paradise,"......
The Catholic Revival. Six Lectures By George Worley. With An
Introduction by the Dean of St. Paul's. (Elliot Stock.)— There is much good sense in what Mr. Worley writes, and not a little humour ; of course there is some exaggeration. It......
Night - Lights. By Arthur Broadfield Frost. (situpkin,...
Shadows from a Doctor's Reading-Lamp " are concerned, as might be supposed, with shadow rather than light. They show the seamy side of the medical profession. We see the doctor......
The Oracles Of Papias. (longmans.)—this " Contribution To...
of the New Testament" is of too technical a kind to be dealt with in detail. The writer starts the theory that the Oracles (iaeria), which Papiaa of Hierapolis attributes to St.......
Little Johannes. Translated From The Dutch Of Frederik...
by Clara Bell. (Heinemann.)—Mr. Andrew Lang has furnished this volume with an introductory essay in which he distinguishes, not for the first time, between various kinds of......
Mud/and. By The Rev. W. Clement Ley. (e. Stanford.)— This
" study on the structure and characters of clouds" will be found full of interest. The subject is comparatively new ; at least, we do not remember to have seen it treated in......
We Are Peculiarly Glad To See A Second Edition Of
Essays and Addresses, by the Yen. James M. Wilson. This attempt to treat some religious questions in a "scientific spirit" was recognised at once on its appearance as an honest......