In The Reprint Of "the Novels Of Tobias Smollett," Edited
by George Saintebury (Gibbings and Co.), we have Roderick Random, 3 vols.-In "Blackie's School and Home Library" (Blackie and Son), we have Irving's Conquest of Granada, 2 vols.......
A Round Trip To North America. By Lady Theodora Guest.
(Stanford.)—There is nothing that calls for much notice in the " Round Trip." Our authoress tries to give us an idea of the scenery, the flowers, and something of the life. She......
The Art Of Chess. By James Mason. (horace Cox.)-mr. Mason,
who tells us that all his materials have been carefully studied and selected "from the best products of the present day and generation in the way of actual authentic chess." He......
First Aid To The Injured. By E. J. Lawless, M.d.
(Pentland.) -This is intended as a guide for ambulance service, and gives directions for the treatment of both injuries suffered in warfare and sickness. The method of dealing......
Xenophon's Anabasis, Edited By William W. Goodwin, Ll.d.,...
William White, Ph.D. (Ginn and Co., Boston, U.S.) -This is a "revised edition," its notes having been "adapted" to the latest edition of Goodwin's Greek Grammar and to Hadley's......