29 MARCH 1856, Page 10


The following Reformatories have been certified in England and Scotland: for England 20, for Scotland 17.

Number the School is capableof containing. Name of Reformatory Schools. Rays. Girls.

Certified under 17 and 18 Vict. c. 66. Bradwall Reformatory School, near Sandbach Number not-stated.

Berks Reformatory, Sdbool 36 Cumberland-- - ditto 60

Devon and Exeter Reformatory Farm School DI

KingiwoodReformatory - ,40 Ilardwicke ditto "30

Red Lodge Girls'ditto 'US Hampshire Reformatory

Liverpool " Akbar Hulk " Reformatory School Number not stated.

-Leicestershire Juvenile Reformatory 60

Catholic Reformatory'.. 50

Home-in-the-East Reformatory, Bow 50

BuxtonrJnvsnileReformatory Institution 40 Northamptonshire Society's Reformatory School SO

Newcastle Reformatory School 50

Sidney Reformatory 30

Birmingham Girls' Reformatory - 20

Stoke Yiirm Reformatory 30 Calder Farm School Not known.

*Inverness Ragged School 6 Glasgow-House of Refuge for Boys 518

Glasgow House of Refuge for Girls

*Greenock Industrial School le Greenock Reformatory School -40 Paisley Ragged School '50 *Streamer Industrial School 30

Sanctioned under 17 and 18 Vict. c. 74, for the Reception of Vagrant Children in Scotland.

- Aberdeen Industrial School 300 100

Aye Ragged School 150 Kilmarnock Ragged School 12 12

Edinburgh Industrial Ragged Schools Number not stated. Edinburgh Coked Industrial School Number not stated. Arbroath Industrial School Number not stated. Glasgow Industrial Schools 150 70 Govan Reformatory.gehools Perth Ladies' House Of Refuge for Girls , 30 Perth Female School of Industry 56

Perth Boys' School of Industry 53

Note.—Those Schools marked thus * have also been certified under 17 and 18 Viot. c. 74. The Edinburgh Industrial Ragged Schools, the Edin- burgh United Industrial School, and the Arbroath Industrial School, are estimated to contain 766 persons. For both countries, the accommodation is tout down at 3299 persons. 6 200


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