Some Items Of Election Intelligence Are Made Public This...
Mr. Whatman, Member for Maidstone, announces that he will contest West Kent, should Sir Edmund Filmer, one of the present Members retire. Mr. Humphrey Mildemy proposes to......
Tun GUN-BOAT FLOTILLA.—Sir Charles Wood and Rear-Admiral Berkeley have.been-to Portsmouth-this week inspecting the gun-boat-flo- tilla. On Tuesday, from the deck of the Black......
The Baltic, Which Arrived At Liverpool -yesterday, With...
New York to the 16th instant, brought no important political news. San Francisco, and the whole State of California, were severely shaken by an earthqu ake early in the morning......
Mr. Anderson, " The Wizard Of The North," Publishes A
long letter in the Times this morning, challenging the press to recall the calemnies which have been thrown upon him for the accidental burning of Covent Garden Theatre. He......
According To Present Arrangements, The. King Of The...
take leave of Queen Victoria this morning, and proceed via DoVerto Numbs. The first stone of the Reformatory Asylum for the county of Warwick was laid on Wednesday, by. Lady-......
SAT1TR1iAY. All the testimony that reaches the public points to a speedy announce- ment of peace. One correspondent states that orders were issued on Thursday to the inhabitants......