Parisian Treatricals.
A new spectacle produced at the Ambigu-Comique, with the title Le Paradis Perdu , is one of those social "facts" that make an un- travelled John Bull rub- his eyes, and ask......
114t Totatrts.
We are now able to announce that Her Majesty's Theatre will be opened this season—probably within a month. The ne cessary arrange- ments for that purpose having been......
Drury Lane, Always In A State Of Chang E , Has Once
more assumed the aspect of an English operahouse. In this guise it opened on Easter Monday, with an English version of Verdi's Trovatore. The perform- ance, got up under the......
Itittri To T4t Chan.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. 2 Crown Terrace, Scarborough, 24th March 1856. Sin—I cannot regret that an omission in my former letter has called forth some valuable remarks from such an......
Turning To The Non-lyrical Establishments, We Find Ample...
believe that Easter, as a period for special entertainments, has altogether passed away from the managerial mind of our metropolis. If there is a relic of the old festival on......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON'. The delay in the announcement of the treaty of peace, and the fact that the armistice will terminate on Monday ' have produced some impatience......