29 MARCH 1856, Page 5

IRELAND.- The birth of the "child of France" was celebrated

with great pomp at Dublin on Easter Monday, in the Church of the Conception. The cere- monial began with a grand pontifical high mass, which terminated in a solemn benediction by Archbishop Cullen, and a coup de theatre. "As the blessing was being pronounced, the entire space around the high altar and tabernacle shone suddenly forth in a perfect blaze of light, from in- numerable wax tapers simultaneously lit up." In addressing the con- gregation, Dr. Cullen passed a high eulogium on the Emperor of the French, who has " conferred the greatest benefits on our church" • and at whose command " the valiant legions of France hurried to the walls of Rome," expelled that "abomination of abominations sedition and infi- delity," and restored the Pope. The birth of a son of France, said the Archbishop, "has filled all hearts with joy ; and on this day, the festival of the Resurrection of our Redeemer, accents of praise and gratitude to the Giver of alr good gifts will resound from every altar of the Lord in the-vast region that extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the British Channel, and from the Pyrenees to the Alps ; .and will be wafted over the waters of the distant shores of Numidia and the Tauric Chersonesus."

There is some talk at Rome of removing Cardinal Wiseman to a posi- tion wherein he can indulge in congenial literary leisure ; and the eleva- tion of Dr. Cullen to the Cardinalate, with a view of bringing about a union between the Roman Catholics of England and Ireland.

The Bishop of Cork has taken steps to declare the rectory of Innis- carra vacant; the Rector, William Beresford, having been convicted of forgery in England. Beresford is cited to appear before the Consistorial Court of the Archbishop of Dublin on the 17th April.

The excitement caused at Clonmel by the failure of the Tipperary Bank is subsiding, now that the depositors know that affairs will be wound-up in a legal manner. Mr. James Sadleir has been privately examined in Dublin by Master Murphy, and has returned to his private residence in the country.