* * * Mr. Baldwin then dwelt upon the difference
between Socialist principles and the principles of such a scheme of " All-in " insurance as Unionists could accept. Any unified scheme must, in his opinion, be contributory, whereas Socialists looked to the State to provide every- thing. Next, Mr. Baldwin pointed out the advantages of making old age benefits applicable at an earlier age. " At a period of unemployment like the present, what a great thing it would be if many men who are still clinging to work though advanced in years, because they cannot face giving up work on the existing old-age pension, were to leave the ranks of labour for the young men who now cannot get work ! " Finally, Mr. Baldwin paid a tribute to the work which has been done with regard to " All-in " insurance by Mr. Broad and Sir John Marriott. Readers of the Spectator are already familiar with this work. Though Mr. Broad is a Liberal and Sir John a Unionist, they are in hearty and enthusiastic agreement in the matter of " All-in " insurance.