Since The Doctrine Of Self-determination Has Been So...
throughout the world, there is not so much reference to the White Man's Burden, but the burden is there just as much as when Kipling wrote his lines : " Take up the white man's......
How Little, For The -most Part,. .we Stay-at-homes Appre-...
the great tasks which are being carried on by the rank and file of our Colonial Service Under tropic skies ! Merely because our idea of our Imperial responsibilities has......
Turning To The United States, A Country With Which I
keep in close touch, I should like to endorse what the editor of the British Weekly says. In one of the most important American magazines lying on his table he finds not one......
ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. BY EVELYN WRENCH. A S April 23rd, the opening day of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley, draws near, the affairs of that great enterprise occupy an......
Such Were My Reflections As I Read The Extremely Interesting
address- of Sir Hugh Clifford, the Governor of Nigeria, to his Legislative Council delivered at Lagos early in February. Perhaps in the year of the Wembley Exhibition the......
Cruelty In Sport.
T HERE is a Bill before Parliament in which powers are sought to prohibit the coursing or chasing of released captive animals. It is aimed more particularly at the coursing of......
Cbt Sptttattfr.
5 The subscription rates of the Spectator post free to any part of the world are as follows :- One Year .. .. .. .. 80s. Od. Six Months .. • • .. .. 15s. Od. Three Months .. ••......