29 MARCH 1924, page 20

The Rig-ht Of Rebellion.

Ma. LASKI made his name as one of the modern school of political theorists, who can see little good in sovereignty. They search in the writings of Maitland and Gierke for a......

Cold Comfort For The Yo1ing.

The Chilswell Book of English Poetry. Compiled by Robert Bridges. (Longman. 68. 6d. net.) THE ground of poetry is love, not wisdom. This is true in ultimates, in the most......


CONTRASTS. Tony. By Stephen Hudson. (Constable. Os.) No one who finds pleasure in a vivid contrast could better satisfy his craving than by reading, successively, Mr. Stephen......

This Goodly Frame.

The Right Place. By C. E. Montague. (Chatto and Windus. 7s.) Mu. MONTAGUE'S last book of essays, it will be remembered, -was called Disenchantment, and was a troubled, stinging......