THE SPECTATOR COMPETITIONS No. 29 IT is the resourceful custom
of certain persons to mitigate the tedium of railway travel by improvising dialogues calcu- lated to intrigue their fellow passengers. Prizes of book tokens for £2 2s. and £i is. are offered for the best passage of dialogue, of not more than 30o words, designed either (a) to mystify, or (b) to alarm the remaining occupants of a third- class railway carriage on a journey between Oxford and London.
RULES.—Envelopes should be addressed to the Editor, The Spectator, 99, Gower Street, London, W.C.r, and marked " Com- petition No. 29." Entries must be delivered by first post on Friday, April 5th, 1940. The Editor reserves the right to print, in part or in whole, any entry submitted, and to withhold the prize should no entry attain the requisite standard of merit. Com- petitors are permitted to submit more than one entry, but no com- petitor is eligible for more than one prize in any given week. Envelopes should bear a lid. stamp. No entries can be returned. Readers are invited to submit suggestions for future competitions.