Invaded Britain
SIR,—In my article on the French invasion of 1797, considera- tions of space prevented me discussing in detail the legend of the red-cloaked women of Fishguard, but as Mr.......
England And Britain
SIR, —When an Englishman uses the term " England " where the whole island of Britain is obviously intended, we Scots, being tolerant, merely shrug our shoulders and, while......
The Metropolitan City
Snt,—Mr. Osborn, I regret to say, imports personal prejudice into his reply. He would like to blame transport for the failures of town planning. But let this pass. His own......
Sir,—may I Confirm Mr. Powell's Clear Evidence Of The Welsh
women's share in defeating the French invasion of Pembroke in 1797? Some thirty years later my father, with horse and gig, was travelling South Wales for his firm's business in......
The Loony "
SIR,—It is appalling that such a story as " The Loony " can appear in The Spectator. Surely " an enemy hath done this "—out of the blackness of some poor deplaced heart it must......