29 MARCH 1940, page 2

The Choice For Sweden

The Finns reject the Russian statement that a Finnish defensive alliance with Norway and Sweden would be directed against the Soviet Union and so a breach of the peace terms ;......

German And British Sea Warfare

During the last week the British Navy has proved that .t can successfully carry on war against enemy shipping or_ . in waters that the Germans have hitherto thought safe. Ti-,......

German Agitators In Rumania

Germany is using every means, political and economic, to extend her influence in the Balkans and increase the supplies which they can send her. Though every Balkan capital has......

Hindu And Moslem

There are signs that the activities of the Indian National Congress are making any agreed solution of the Indian problem remote. At its meeting at Ramgarh last week the Congress......

Turkish And Allied Co-operation

German diplomacy will be almost as hard put to it to drive a wedge between the Allies and Turkey as between Britain and France ; for our association with Turkey rests upon......

Japan's New Puppet

The moment appears to have come when the puppet- government of Mr. Wang Ching-wei, which the Japanese have striven so laboriously to bring into being, will be presented to the......