TVE have availed ourselves of the enlarged space, afforded by
the increased dimen- sions of THE SPECTATOR, to develop fully the important topics which have engaged the public mind this week. It was our intention that the ADvERTISEMENTS should form a cover to the rest of the Paper ; but this method being very generally misunderstood, and in many quarters disapproved of, on account of the risk of the Advertisements being de- tached from the Paper, and lost, we have placed them in their former position ; still adhering in all other respects to our scheme of arrangement and display, which we are happy to find has given universal satisfaction. In these partici'. Jars, we promise ourselves to effect what improvements are still feasible, by the aid of experience ancLthe co-operation of our advertising friends. We regret that, owing to the necessity of being early at press, and the importance of the topics which crowd our page's this week, we are compelled to omit many Advertisements which reached us late on Friday night and early this morning.