The News Received This Morning From France Is Important. A
great sensation has been caused at Paris by the popular excite- ment which exists in Normandy. A gang of incendiaries, or- ganized, it would appear, have been laying waste the......
Moniloy Was The Birth-day Of The Princess Victoria, When Her
Royal Highness enterea her twelfth year. In co:Ise:pence of his Majesty's in- disposition, the members of the Royal Family were not entertained, as usual, by the Ducbess of Kent......
The Royal Illness Has This Week Led To Important Proceedings
in Parliament. On Monday, both Houses received a Message from his Majesty, requiring them to relieve him from the pain of sign- ing public instruments. A bill has since been......
Common Covnctl.—at A Court Held Yesterday. A Petition...
punishment of death finr forgery was agreed on; only one band—that of the sturdy stickler for every thing that is or has heen, 3Ir. Samuel Dixon—being held up against it Mr.......