Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BOK On the 22d inst., at Grove Park, 'Warwickshire, the Right. Hon. Lady Boa atEit. of a son and heir. On the 24th inst., at his house In Harley Street, the lady of Jou& FORBES,......
Epsom Races.
Vi r atx Mr. Maberley took these races in hand, there were but three days of indifferent-now there are four of capital sport ; the Grand Stand held but forty-now it holds four......
The Universities.
CAMBRIDGE, May 28.—At the congregation on Wednesday last the following degrees were conferred. Masters of Arts—Thomas Turner and Valentine F. Hovendon, Fellows of Trinity......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EYENING.—The favourable aspect which our Stock Market wore during last week, has been materially altered, and prices have given way in the whole nearly......
East India Shipping. Saturday Monxixo. The Superior,...
to Batavia, was ashore near Java Head on the 21st December. H. 111.8. Success was ashore at the entrance of Swan River on the 1st December. Crew and passengers saved. The......