EAST INDIA SHIPPING. SATURDAY Monxixo. The Superior, Salmon, from Liverpool
to Batavia, was ashore near Java Head on the 21st December.
H. 111.8. Success was ashore at the entrance of Swan River on the 1st December. Crew and passengers saved. The Pacific, from the Cape to London, has put into Saldanah Bay with four feet water in her hold.
The Freeland, Jones, from Singapore to Manilla, went ashore in the Straits of Rhio, on the 11th January, but got otrafter throwing overboard twenty tons of iron, and proceeded on her voyage.
Arrived.—At Gravesend, May 28th, Palmyra, Thompson ; Lord Lyndeoch, Beadle ; and Clyde, Mnnro, from Bengal and Madras. Samuel Brown, Reid, from Mauritius; and Alexander, Ogilvie, from Singapore. In the Downs, May 26th, Brunswick, Palmer, from Bengal and Madras ; 27t1s, Ganymede, Hayne, from Colombia River and Van Diemen's Land. Off Dover, May 28th, Wellington, Evans, from Madras; John, Freeman ; and Achilles, Henderson, from Mauritius. Off Portsmouth, May 27th, Atwick, eleKie, from Ceylon ; 28th, Ganges, Boulbee ; and Barretto, Shannon, from Bengal and Madras. At Liverpool, May 24th, Princess Charlotte, M'Kean, from Bengal; 27th, Capricorn, Smith, from Mauritius. At St. Jago, January 17th, Caroline, Howey, from London ; and 22d, Forth, Proudfoot, from Cork, both for New South Wales. February 6th, EllensPatterson, from London for the Cape ; and Hindostan, Carter, from Liverpool for Bombay. 7th, Arab, Ferrier, from London for New South Wales. At St. Helena, April 1st, City of Aberdeen, Duthie, from Singes pore. 6th, Fairlie, Fuller, from Bengal and the Cape. 8th, York, Monerieff, from Mauritius. 9th, Upton Castle, Thacker, from Bonsbay. 16th, Simpson, Warren, front Mauritius:from Mauritius. 18th, Zenobia, Cameron, from Bengal and Madras. 19th, IL C. S. Thomas Grenville, Shea, from Bengal; and Bolton, Clarkson, Irons Bombay. At the Cape, March 27th, Alexander, Anderson, from London for Bengal. At Mauri- tius, January 26th, Statira, Seriffen ; and February 15th, Mary Jackson, from Bengal. At Bengal, January 14th, Julianne, Tarbutt, from London. At Singapore, January 20th, Madeline, Coghlan, from London and Madras. At Van Dieman's Land, November 12th, Tranmere, Smith; 21st, Thames, Anderson ; December 14th, Surrey, Kemp ; 15th, Bassorah Merchant, Pearson ; 23d, Deveron, Nicol ; January 10th, Prince Regent, Haustwicke ; and 11th, Chatham, Bragg—all from London. Sailed.—From Gravesend, May 22nd, Susan, Halliday; and Lady East, Denny. for the Cape, Madras, and Bengal ; and Orontes, Baker, for Madras and Bengal. 23rd, Protector, Waugh, for the Cape, Madras, and Bengal ; amid Kerswell, Arm- strong, for the Cape. 25th, Madras, Beach, for Madras.
Spoken.—H. C. S. Abercrombie Robinson, Innes, from London to Bombay and China, off the Cape about the 20th March. Lady M'elaughton, from London tO Madras, 23rd May, 48 North, 11 West.