MISS KEMBLE made her farewell curtsey for the season on Friday night, in the character of Lady Townly—her first appearance in genteel comedy. She selected a trying character, and one which would prove the test of her ability. She was not, however, either Lady Townly, or the woman of high fashion bred up in the hot- bed of folly and affectation ; but the wilful, high-spirited girl, sub- stituting the humours of a hoyden for the airs of a woman of rank. Her reading of the part was marked by good sense and understanding, and her personation of it was extremely clever and meritorious. Her vivacity, however, was more arch than courtly —she played the woman better than the titled lady. Her last scene, of penitent submission to her husband, was worth all the others, and rendered them worth seeing for its sake. The conclu- sion of the piece formed a very appropriate introduction to her temporary leave-taking; and Mr. KEinErE led his daughter for- ward to receive the cheers and congratulations of a crowded house. Mr. KEMBLE'S Lord Townly was a noble, graceful, and manly piece of acting, distinguished for its feeling and propriety.