Tom COOKE is certainly a very extraordinary fellow. He has
i won three musical prizes n succession,—at the Catch Club last ' Star; rittlieVee Club this year, and now at the Catoh Club again We certainly do not regard the decision of the members of either. Club as an unerring standard of taste as to glee-writinr; for COOKE'S glees do not possess the poetry of LINLEY'S, the ex- cellent vocal writing of WALMISLEY'S, or the legitimate construc- tion of ELLiorr's. Still there is a gay, joyous, popular tone in his table music, which carries away the feelings of the many. The members of these two Clubs are guided in their decision by what pleases.* them best, and not by what is best. But of this all the candidates are aware, and, according to the judgment of the um- pires, the award is impartially given.