The Battle of Muta ; a Bass Scena. The Music by GEORGE HARGREAVES.
We believe Mr. HARGREAVES is a music-seller at Manchester ; and this composition bespeaks him no mean proficient in the article he has re- cently undertaken to vend. It is, in truth, an elaborate and masterly coin. position, original in its structure, vigorous in its conception, and skilful in its arrangement. But with all these excellences we doubt of its at- taining any popularity with bass-singers. Its compass of two octaves (from F g to F ), alone, would render it inaccessible to most, and its want of melody would prevent its becoming a favourite with any. The accompaniments form the chief feature of the song, to which the voice is but subsidiary. Nor are the passages vocal. What effect, for instance, could any voice produce with those in page 9; the last line of which, especially, would be entombed in the noisy accompaniment which is at- tached to it ? These faults are, however, but technical ones, which ex-' perience will correct. There is the germ of considerable excellence throughout the song, which, if matured by the study of good writers, will not fail to produce rich and abundant fruit.