"Non t' accost are all' urna ;" Anacreontica del VITTORELI.I.
Pasta in Musiea da FINLAY DUN.
" 0 tell me bow to woo thee, love ;" a Song, by the same author.
" Softly sleep, my dearest ;" a Serenade, by the same author.
These are Edinburgh publications, and very good ones. We like the first exceedingly, only that the title " Anacreontie " is sadly misapplied to the mournful strains of VITTORELLI'S sonnet ; the burden of which is
Rispetta un ombra mists E lasciala dorm ir."
Nor do we approve the pedantry of writing in the key of D E. Bat these blemishes have nothing to do with the intrinsic excellence of the composition, which is only disfigured by a few trifling errors in the bass.
We presume that HORSLEY'S admirable glee to the words of the second song are not known in Edinburgh ; and, of course, no comparison to the disadvantage of Mr. Dus;'s adaptation will there be made. But we ought to add, that he has done very well in one class of composition, what HORSLEY has done surpassingly well in another.
The third is a very clever production : the music being appropriately adapted to the words, and containing some original thoughts.