MARTIN and Co., Bankside, coal-merchants—R. and R. Forms, Ampthill, Bed. fordshire, auctioneers—Anw las and CH EVI NS, East Retford, saddlers—Bn UNDE.41. and COALMAN, Norwich, bricklayers—aawszs and SHEPPARD, Norwich, Man. hester-warehousemen—Cou arwav and Mori asv, Charlotte Terrace, New Cut, Lambeth, cheesemongers—T. and P., Altringham, Cheshire, millers—. SANDERSON and Boors, Gildersome, Yorkshire cloth-dressers—WoonALL and LAKIN, Deritend, Warwickshire, brass-founders-4. and H. HEDnosr,Westminster Bridge Road, Lambeth, linen-drapers—Burcas and Co. Sheffield, edge-toot- manufacturers; as far as regards Baowsr—MArnrAs and Co.:Upper Stamford Street —PARK and Co., Wigan, Lancashire, iron-masters ; as far as regards GASECELL■ WATKINS ON and AGAR., Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, furriers—PEACOCK and.DUN- STAN, Bristol, fishmongers. INSOLVENTS. May 19, HENRY RAIN, Tyssen Place, Kingsland Road, commercial-agent. May 22, WILLIAM Rswrassow, Notting Rill, Kensington, victualler. May 24, WILLIAM HORNER, Bingley, Yorkshire, maltster.
JACKSON, Thomas, Ship Faith, master-mariner, from April 20 to June 8. RYAN, Tuomes TAYLER, Pitheld Street, Roston, merchant, from June 1 to IS;
GRIEVES, WILLIAM, Holborn Bridge, cheesemonger. BANKRUPTS.
ALEXANDER, THomAs, Manchester, merchant, June 14, 15, July 6: solicitors, Mr. Hampson, Manchester ; and Messrs. Ellis and Walmsley, Chancery Lane. BARDSLEY, EDMUND, jun. Oldham. Lancashire, cotton-spinner, June 11, 12, July 6: solicitors, Mr. Casson, Manchester ; and Messrs. Mine and Parry, Temple. BRYDONE, CHARLES, Leicester, carver and gilder, June 1, 8, July 6 : solicitor, Mr. Thomas, New Inn. CROSBY. JOHN, Spofforth, Yorkshlre,joiner, May 29, 31, July 6 : solicitors, Mr. Randell, Walbrook ; and Mr. Stables, Leeds.
Cuss (nes, THOMAS, sen. CUSSONS, GEORGE. and Coss oxs, THOMAS, jun. Manchester, cotton-spinners, June 7, 9, July 6 : solicitors, Messrs. Hurd and John- son, Temple ; and Mr. Seddon, Manchester.
FLETCHER,SVILLiAM HENRY, Pentridge, Derbyshire, common-brewer, June 9, 10, July 6 : solicitors, Mr. Hall, Alfreton ; and Messrs. Hall and Brownley, New Boswell Court. LAMPRELL, WitsiAm, Chelmsford, linen-draper, May 28, June 8, July 6 : soli- eitor, Mr. Jones, Sise Lane. LLOYD, RICHARD, Jerusalem Coffeehouse, master•mariner, June 1, 8, July 6: solicitor, Mr. Spurr, Wurnford Court, Throgmorton Street. RAVALD, ROBERT, Manchester, ironmonger, June 9, 10, July 6 : solicitors, Messrs. Perkins and Frampton, Gray's Inn Square ; and Mr. Thompson, Manchester. ROBERTS, ROBERT, Liverpool, builder, June 4, 5, July 6: solicitors, Mr. More- Croft, Liverpool ; and Mr. Chester, Staple Inn. WERE, JOSEPH Et Lis Bedminster, Somersetshire, tanner, May 28, June 8, July 6 : solicitor, Mr. Steplens, Bedford Row. WYLIE, HENRY, Bank Chambers, merchant, June 4, 11, July 6 : solicitor, Mr. Atkins, Fox Ordinary Court, Nicholas Lane. DIVIDENDS.
June 15, H. H. Sutton and S. S. Relfe, Rutland Wharf, Upper Thames Street, and Kennington Oval, coal-merchants—June 15, T. Creed and T. Keen, Fore Street, Cripplegate, haberdashers—June 22, G. Croft, Oxford Street, mercer—June 15, J. R. Benson, Russell Place, Fitroy Square, and Lloyd's Coffeehouse, merchant— June 15, T. Lloyd, Blue Ball Yard, St. James's Street, wine-merchant—June 15, R. Burbery, Coventry, riband.manufacturer—June 18, S. Garrett, Langley Street, Long Acre, and Vauxhall Walk, Lambeth, currier—June 18, W. Audley, Grafton Street East, victualler—June 18, B. Hood, Trafalgar Street, Walworth Road, baker ...June 18, T. Bignold, sen., Norwich, banker, and Bridge Street, Blackfriars, dealer In boots and shoes—June 18, S. E. Hobbs, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, grocer—July 7, G. W. Wentworth, It. Chaloner, T. and T. Rishworth, and J. Hartley, York, bankers—June 19, .1. Dever and T. Carmichael, Berwick-upon-Tweed, corn-mer- chants—June 19, H. and R. Holt, Hulme, Lancashire, dyers—June 22, S. Hill, Kidderminster, tailor—June 17, W. Higgins, Shiffnal, Shropshire, draper—June 21, W. Pays' Leeds, coach-maker—July 5, J. Farrar, Halifax, mercer—June 17, K. Mitton, Storth, Yorkshire, cloth-merchant—June 23, S. S. Porter, Exeter, cabinet-maker—G. J. Wigley, Coventry, riband-manufacturer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before June 15. Bryant, South Bank, Regent's Park, surgeon—Wheeler and Adams, May's Build- ings, St. Martin's Lane, drapers—Broad, Penzance, linen-draper—Farmer, Ather- stone, Warwickshire, mercer—Everett, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, clothier—Appleton, London Road, porkman-0. and T. Buxton, Preston, coach-proprietors—Cheetham, Keaton Norris, Lancashire, cotton-spinner—Jones, Tenterden Street, Hanover Square, livery-stable-keeper—Simpson, Leeds, joiner—Potter, Maidstone, grocer— Gall, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, plumber—Livingston, Cheapside, biscuit-baker- Martin, Bath Street, City Road, cordwainer—West, York Gate Yard Livery Stables, Regent's Park, horse-dealer—Metcalf, Lamb's Conduit Street, linen.draper. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION,
DAVIDSON, JONATHAN, Edinburgh, ironmonger.
Friday, May 28.
WALLWORK, Holcome Mill, and BA3IFORD, Wellhead, Rochdale, Lancashire, fullers—JonNsTos and BLYTFI, Edinburgh, linen-drapers — Fazocn, sets and FRENCH, jun. Frome•Selwood, woollen-drapers--Msarro, Hildale, and BAKER, Castleton, Yorkshire, provision-merchants—ANDREWS and Co. Lynn, shoe-manu- facturers; so far as relates to ENGLISH—PAnsLow and CAwswv. Bristol, sta. tioners—NR/MLEY and Est.'s, Cambridge, grocers—J000s and SMITH, Bedford- bury,trimming-setlers—Posinoaxos and Co. Worcester, brush-makers—S lures and Co. Leeds, cabinet-makers ; so far as regards J. Su UTE—SORDY and Co. Leeds, cloth-dressers; so far as regards Buenas and SINES—ELDRED and DAWSON, BOBSIBMpI011 Street, Bloomsbury, attorneys—Co omss, Beaminster, and GIFFORD, bletherbury, flax-spinners—Wilda...1n5 and BUTCHER, Norton Street, Maryleboue, builders—Misss and SPARC°, Greenwich, linen-drapers.
R. GIBS ON, Great Sorry Street, Southwark, grocer, from June Ito July 6. BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED.
W. Wasson, sen. and W. WALKER, jun. Knaresborough, linen-drapers. T. BAGNALL, Westwell, Oxfordshire, baker.
ARTHUR, JOSHUA, Bath, baker, June 7, 8, July 9: solicitors, Mr. Williams, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn; • and Messrs. Watts and Son, Bath. BUXTON, ROBERT, Skinner Street, Snow Hill, milliner, June 8, 15, July 9: soli- citor, Mr. Manning, Dyer's Buildings, Holborn. CORDINGLEr, JOHN T/TUS, Lombard Street, laceman, June 11, 18, July 9: soli- citors, Messrs. Robinson and Russell, Pancras Lane, Queen Street, Cheapside. HS-SLOP, MAXWELL, Tokenhouse Yard, and Kingston, Jamaica, merchant and commission-merchant, June 11, 18, July 9: solicitors, Messrs. Swain and Co. Old Jewry. JOHNSTON, Rosonss Water Street, coal-merchant, June I, 18, July 9: solicitor, Mr. Smith, Great Easteheap.
Joinvsow, ANNA MARIA, West Smithfield, victualler, June 11, 18, July 9: soli- citor, Mr. Evans, Gray's Inn Square.
PEAKS THOMAS, jun. Oxford, wine and spirit-merchant, June 11, 12, July 0: solicitor, Miller, Ely Place, Holborn, PEDIGREE, HENRY CHARLES AUGUSTUS WHEATLEY, and NOLDWRITT, JOHN, Princes Street, Commercial Road, Lambeth, ironmongers, June 8, 11, July 9: soli- citors, Messrs. Rhodes and Beevor, Chancery Lane. PURNELL, GEOROE, High Street, Shoreditch, victualler, June 8, 11, July 9: soli- citor, Mr. Bousfield, Chatham Place, Blackfriars. SEARLE, JOHN, Lombard Street, bill-broker, June 11, 18, July 9: solicitors, Messrs. Brutton and Clipperton, Broad Street ; and Mr. Brinton, Exeter. SHORE, WILL/AM ABRAHAM, Lane End, Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, wine and spirit-merchant and innkeeper, June 4, 11, July 9: solicitor, Mr. Michael, Red Lion Square. S311TH, WILLIAM, Warrington, Lancashire, SOWDEN, WILLIAM, Manchester, and SOWDEN, Jo RN, Warrington, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers, June 16, 17, July 9: solicitors, Messrs. Taylor and Roscoe, King's Bench Walk, Temple; and Messrs. Fitchett and Wagstaff, Warrington, Lancashire.
Sr-sr:slim, Hoz Email, Birmingham, paper-dealer, June 11,12, July 8: solicitors, blesses. Tooke and Carr, Bedford Row ; and Mr. Walter Hall Capper, Birmingham. WALKER, JOHN, Allen Street, Carlisle Lane, Lambeth, builder,June 1,8, July 9: solicitor, Mr. Lewis, Warwick Square, Newgate Street.
June 22, Clunie, Berwick-upon•Tweed, corn-merchant—June 21, Lauder and Carnegy, Sloane Street, surgeons and apothecaries—June 8, Hill, Red Lion Wharf, City Basin, coal-merchant—June 22, Blofeld, Middle Row, Holborn, peiaSimer- June 25, Nicholls, Phipp's Bridge, Mitcham, silk-manufacturer—June 21, Humble, Liverpool, merchant—Sept. 3, Tippett, Bristol, ship-builder—June 19, Hunt, Strat- ford-upon-Avon, money-scrivener—June 23, Fisher, Exeter, carver and gilder— June 21, Brierley and Arrive, Manchester, machine-makers—June 21, Churchill, Portsmouth, mercer and draper—June 22, Haines, Coventry, dyer—August 2, Ilughes, Cheltenham, butcher—June 21, Booth, Plymouth Grove, Lancashire, cotton-spinner.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before June 18.
Thackway, Ledbury, dealer—Kirby, Market Weighton, Yorkshire, common- brewer—Bradley and Parry, Grove, Great Guildford Street, Southwark, brass- fonnders-31'Neill, senior, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital, coach-maker—Be- matter, Howford Buildings, merchant—Sykes, Accrington, cetton-spinner—Audsley, Kell Hole Gill, Otley, worsted-spinner—Hall, Isleworth, bookseller—Smith, Caro- line Mews, Bedford Square, livery-stable-keeper—Gale, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, 1:dumber—Langley, Birmingham, leather-dealer4