Viratx Mr. Maberley took these races in hand, there were but three days of indifferent-now there are four of capital sport ; the Grand Stand held but forty-now it holds four thousand spectators; the pigeons were then few-now they assemble in flocks. We grieve to add, that the plucking has not proved productive in a similar ratio, for the rooks have increased at a still more rapid pace ;-no blame to Mr. Ma- berley for that, whom we strongly recommend to the patrons of York Race-course as the best qualified to raise its fallen honours.
The runs at Epsom this year were superb, and would have been more So, had it not been for the showery weather. The Derby went in the tvay that most of the calculators, always excepting the losers, thought it would. Among the company on the occasion were the following.
Duke of Portland, Duke of Leeds, Duke of Richmond, Lord Uxbridge, Lord Baton, Lord Mountcharles, Lord Chesterfield, Lord G. Bentinck, Lord Lowther, Mord Jersey, Lord Sorry, Lord Ranelagh, Lord R. Manners, Lord Errol, Lord J. Fitzroy, Sir M. Wood, General Grosvenor, Hon. E. Petre, Hon. Mr. Kennedy, Vol. Udny, Mr. Fox, Capt. Byng. The Duchess of Richmond, Lady Lennox, and several other ladies, were also on the Course.
1 Tuesday, May 25.
The Craven Stakes of 10 soya. each. Mile and a quarter. Thirteen Subscribers.
His Majesty's oh. h. The Colonel, 5 yrs. ....... . 1 Mr. Rogers's Harold, 4 yrs ..... ..... 2 Mr. Gully's Clio, 3 yrs
The followingalso started, but were not placed by the Judge :-Sir G. Heathcote's Lyric, 4 yrs.-Mr.Petre's The Major, 3 yrs.-Mr. Day's Busk, 6 yrs.-Sir M. Wood's Cetus, 3 yrs.-Sir M. Wood's Haji Baba, aged-Mr. Grant's ch. f. Balchin, 3 yrs.- r. Wagstaff's Jay, 3 yrs.-Lord Sefton's Juryman, 5 yrs. Won by two lengths with perfect ease.
This is the second year his Majesty has won the Craven Stakes at Epsom, Pleur- ae-Lis having beat a large field in the last Spring meeting. The odds were 2 to I against The Colonel, and 5 to 1 against Baichin.
The Shirley Stakes of 25 son. each. One mile.
Mr. Crouch's Jenny Vertpre ........... . ,.,...,........ 0 1 • Mr. Cooper's b. c. by Bustard or orviiie-Pribra Donna .... 0 dr. The following also started, but were not placed by the Judge:-Mr. Sowerby's Amoret-Lord Warwick's f. by Partisan, out of NiobeaDtdre Of Richmond's Con- federacy-Mr. Gardner's c. by Rubens, d. by Crecy-Mr. Maberly's Erymns-Mr. Bcaith's b. f. Harmony, by Reveller-Sir G. Heathcote's b. c. by Figaro, d. by Dick Andred.s. Produce Sweepstakes of 100 son, each, h. ft. One mile. Five Subscribers, Mr. Griffiths's b. C. Thorngrove, by Smolensko............ ... Mr. L. Charlton's 1. by Master Henry-Dimity 2 Mr. Maberly's b. f. Solos; by Figaro ....... ......... ...... ... 3 3 to 1 on Thorngrove ; a very poor race, and won by two lengths.
The Tancred Stakes of 10 soya. each, and SO added by the owner of Tattered.
One mile.
Duke of Richmond's Juvenis, out of Pranks........ ...... 1
Mr. Apperley's b. f. School Girl ..... . 2 Col. Ifi'Douall's b. f, out of Peablossom.. .......... 3 Three paid forfeit; this was even a worse race than the last, Juvenis winning by ten lengths. No betting.
The Middleton Stakes of 25 soya. each, Woodcot Course ; with 100 soya, added by the owner of Middleton.
Mr. Young's ch. f. Alexandrine, data by Buttercup .. ... 1 Mr. Maberly's ch. 1. Antigone-Ambiguity 2
The following also started. but were not placed :-General Grosvenor's ch. c. out of sister to Idle Boy-Duke of Richmond's ch. c. Shirley. out of Favourite-Mr. Begble names b. f. out of Electress. 2 to 1 agst Idle Boy ; a pretty race, terminated In favour of Alexandrina by half a length.
Wednesday, May 26.
The Sorry Stakes of 25 says. each, 15 ft. and only 5 if deplored by the 18th of April.
Derby Course.
Mr. Griffiths's Mosquito, 5 yrs. 8st. 8lb. ...... . . 1 Mr. W. Day's Augur, 4 yrs. 7st. 121bs 2 The following also started, but were not placed :-Mr. Maberly's Palemon, 5 yrs. 9st.-Mr. Dockeray's Lancastrian, 5 yrs. 8s1. Whs.-Duke of Richmond's Refugee, 3 yrs. list. laths.
Mr. Sowerby's Toso, 6 yrs. 9st.; Mr. Maberley's Howard, 4 yrs. 7st. 61b. • Colonel Standen's Conrad, 6 yrs. 9st. 41b. ; and Mr. Lucas's ch. f. Maiden of the Mist, 4 yrs. 7st. 21b. paid 15 sovs. each ; and four others only 5 sovs. each. Betting 5 to 2 agst Refugee (taken), 4 to 1 apt Palemon, and 5 to 1 agst Mosquito. Won very cleverly by two lengths.
The Gold Cup, value 170 says. in specie, by subscribers of 10 sovs. each, and 20 added by the Racing Fund. The winner to be sold for 250 soya. if demanded. Two miles.
Mr. Cooper's Merman, 4 yrs... ......... . 1 Mr. Begbie's ch. c. Aaron, 4 yrs. 2 Mr. Brown's b. c. Watchman, 4 yrs. 3 Won by halt a length. The following also started, but were not placed by the Judge :-Lord W. Lennox's Miss Craven, J yrs.-Mr. Sadler's ch. g. Popinjay, aged-Mr. Scaith's b. f. Yelva, 4 yrs.-Mr. Denison's Dolly Spicer-Mr. Ladbroke's Link-boy, aged-Mr. Maher. ley's ch. C. by Middleton, out of Nanine.
The following paid :-Mr. Harris's Mazurka-Mr. Hedley's Blinker-Mr. Gully's Bigottini filly-Mr. Roberts's Vcrderer-Mr. Sowerby's Gas-and Mr. Harris's John de Bart. Betting-5 to 2 agst Merman, 5 to 1 agst Aaron, and 9 to 1 agst Dolly Spicer. The winner was claimed by Mr. North.
The Woodcot Stakes of 30 soya. each, h. ft. Half-mile. Eleven subscribers. Lord Lowther's f. by Partisan, dam by Rubens, out of Penny-
trumpet ..... . .......... . ........ . ........ . 1
His Majesty's b. c. by Mustachio . . ...... 2
Mr. Lawrence's b. f. Fancy, sister to Fashion ........ 3
Won by a neck only.
The following also started, but were not placed :-Duke of Richmond's Ardelia- Mr. Maberley's ch. f. by Muley, out of Harriet-Lord Warwick's 1. by Partisan, out of Niobe-Mr. Rush's f. by Phantom, out of Discord. Betting-5 to 2 agst Lord Lowt'ner's, and 5 to 2 agst his Majesty's.
Thursday, May 27.
The Derby Stakes, of 50 sovs. each h. ft. for three yr. old colts, Sat. 71b. and fillies, Sot. 21b. ; the owner of the second horse to receive 100 soya. out of the stakes, Mile and a half. (89 subscribers.)
Mr. Chifncy's Priam .......... ...... 1
Mr. Ridsdaie's Little Red Rover 2 Lord Exeter's Mahm oud
The following also started, but were not placed-Lord Exeter's ch. c. Augustus, Mr. Petre's b. c. Brunswicker, his Majesty's b. c. Sir Harry Beagle, Sir H. Wood's ch. c. The Mummer, Sir H. Wood's b. C. Cetus, Lord Lowther's ch. C. Firman, Lord Cleveland's ch. c. by Emilius, Mr. Tomes's Port, Lord Sligo's br. c. Brine, Lord Cavendish's c. by Godolphin' Lord Exeter's ch. c. Red Rover, Mr. Rams. bottom's nehmen, Mr. Griffiths'sb. c. Thorngrove, Mr. Rush's br, c. by Comus„ Sir D. Baird's Snooks, Colonel Wilson's Brother to Lamplighter, Lord Egremont's Brother to Grampus, Lord Grosvenor's Thermometer, Mr. Gully's Prima Donna, Lord Sefton's Captain Arthur. Betting before starting-4 to 1 agst Priam, 6 to 1 agst Little Red Rover, 6 to 1 agst Brunswicker, 6 to 1 agst Sir Harry Beagle, 9 to 1 agst Captain Arthur, 12 to 1 agst Augustus, 13 to 1 agst Mahmoud, 16 to 1 agst The Mummer, and 30 to 1 agst Firman.
The race was appointed for two o'clock, and by that time the jockeys were ready at the starting-post; but the delay occasioned by the extraordinary number of false starts (about fourteen) made it near a quarter ta three o'clock before it was decided; and to make the matter worse, the riders were exposed to a drenching storm for near an hour. The last start was beautiful : Prima Donna took the lead at a sound pace, followed by Lord Exeter's Red Rover, his little namesake lying next, with Port and Mahmoud, the others being well laid up in a body, Priam outside, and nearly the last horse in the race. Prima Donna continued the running up the hilt, when Lord Exeter's Red Rover challenged and went to the front ; he kept there till just before the turn, and then Little Red Rover took the lead. Augustus coming up at the same time, these two maintained the running to the distance, where Mahmoud joined them. Priam had been in the rear till past the rubbing-house; there Sam Day (the rider of Priam) began to draw upon his horses and at Tottenham Corner he was in the foremost ranks with Sir Harry Beagle, horses, Mummer, Thermometer, Brine, &c. ; but he waited with great patience till they got to the Grand Stand, where Augustus gave up, lilahmoud, at the same time, beginning to flag ; Day then made a rush a is Chifney, shook off Little Red Rover after a short struggle, and won very cleverly by two lengths. Augustus was 4th, Brunswicker 5th, Sir Harry Beagle 6th, Mummer 7th, Thermometer being close with them, but all beat clear off. The Chifneys are great winners ; so are Mr. Justice, Mr. Bland, Mr. Gully, Mr. Ridsdale, &c. Value of the stakes 2,8001. After the races, Priam rose to 4 and 5 to 1 for the St. Leger.
A Silver Cup, value 50 soya., given by the Stand Committee, added to a Sweepstakes of 5 sum each ; three years old, Get. bib., four years, 8st. 71b. ; five years, 9st. 21b.; six and aged, 9st. 51b. Mares and Geldings allowed Slb. The winner to he sold for 500 soya., &c. Two miles.
Lord liloontcharles's Rasselas, 5 yrs. ...... .. I Col. Wilson's ch. c. by Emilius, 3 yrs..... ..... ....... 2 Mr. Longhorn's b. f. Harmony, 3 yrs. ..
Lord Egremont's c. by Whalebone, 3 yrs. 4 The Durdan Stakes of 10 sovs, each, and 10 added : three years old, 7st.; four, Sat. 101b. ; five, 9st. 21b.; six and aged, Oat. 51b. 5 mares and geldings allowed 31b. -A winner once in 1830, carrying 31b. extra ; twice, 51b.; thrice, 71b. extra.- The winner to be sold for 150 soya., &e.-One mile.
Mr. Lumley's Goshawk, aged .............. ..... ....... . I
Dlr. Scott's Discovery, 4 yrs. ......... ..... ....... 2 Mr. Walker's Netherby, 4 yrs .... ....... . 3 Mr. Dockeray's Pilot, 6 yrs........ • 4 Won easy by two lengths.
The Denbies Stakes of 10 sovs. each, and 10 added, for maiden horses : three years, 7st.; four, 891. 711:t. ; five, 9st. 21b.; six and aged, 9st. 51b.; the winner tb be sold fbr 100 sovs. if demanded, 8:c.; horses that have started four times allowed 71b.-• One mile.
Mr. Howes's Jannette, 3 yrs.......... ................ I Duke of Richmond's Juvenis, 3 yrs. 2' Mr. Lumley's ch. c. Miletus, 3 yrs .. . ..
• Mr. Smith's Tancredi, 4 yrs. ..... Mr. Young's b. f. Schoolgirl, 3 yrs............... ..... '5 Mr. Crouch's b. g. by Anticipation, 3 yrs.. ... .......... 6
Mr. Dickenson's Pauper, 4 7 Won by two lengths, after an indifferent race. Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, and 50 added by the County Members : for 3 yrs. old, 7st.; four, fast. 71b.; live, 9st. ; six, and aged, 9st. 31b.—The winner to be sold for 300 sovs., &c.—The owner of the second horse to save his stake.—Two-mile heats. Mr. Tomes's Foxcote, 4 yrs. (Darling) ........ . ...... . 1 1 Mr. Hadley's Blinker, 4 yrs. ........ ..... ............ .... 4 2 Gen. Grosvenor's Tantivy, 3 yrs.. 2 3
Mr. Coleman's Bunter, 4 yrs. ...... ...... 3 dr
.. dr
Mr. Smith's Esperauce, 3 yrs.... . 5 Won cleverly.
Friday, May 28.
The Oak Stakes of 50 soya. each, h. ft. for 3-yr. old fillies, Bat. 41b.; the owner of the second horse to receive 100 sovs. out of the Stakes. Last mile and half. Se- Venty-seven subscribers. Mr. Stonehewer's f. by Bustard, out of Leeway's dam........ Lord Lord Sefton's Mouche . ....... ......... ... • 2 Mr. Benson's Jenny Vertpra ................ ....... 3 The following also started, but were not placed :—Lord Jersey's ch. f. Charlotte West—Lord Queensberry's Maria—Lord Anson's Zillah—Mr. Benson's Lady Blanche—Duke of Grafton's Brambilla—Mr. Greatorex's Citron—Duke of Rich- mond's Janette—Mr. Sadler's Design—Mr. Payne's by Bustard, out of Brown Duchess—Lord Exeter's Schamla—Lord Lowther's Victorine—Lord Lowther's Ver- dict—Mr. Thornhill's Carmine—Mr. Batson's Recovery, by Centaur (Harriet)—Sir G. Heathcote's by Comas, out of Jane Shore. The delay on the Derby was at least equalled by that for this race, which was not over till twenty minutes past three o'clock: The betting fluctuated considerably before starting, the odds closing thus-3 to 1 nest Charlotte West, 7 to 2 agst Mouche, 4 to 1 agst Brown Duchess, 11 to 1 agst
Maria, 12 to 1 agst Zillah, 12 to 1 agst Victorine, 20 to 1 agst Lady Blanche, 25 to, 1 agst Brambilla, 25 to 1 agst Jenny Vertpre, 25 to 1 agst Frederica, and 30, 35, and In some instances, 40 to 1 agst the winner. The running was made by Jenny Vertpre, followed by Zillah, Mouche, Leeway, and Brambilla, the others beginning to tail off very early. Jenny kept up the run-
ning with great spirit till within the distance, but two or three changes had taken place in the mean time. Brown Duchess was beat at starting, and was soon after followed by the crack Yorkshire mare. Maria, Frederica, Citron, Jane Shoi e, Ja • nette, and Design, were also beat early ; nor did Lord Lowther's two make much Show in the-race. Charlotte West ran pretty well for a mile, and then cut it. At the turn, Leeway took the third place, which had been previously occupied by Zillah; who hung upon Carmine, forced her against a bank, and threw her down, her rider being much bruised. At this point, too, Mouche seemed to be quite done up. Jenny Vertpra kept in front till the Stand, as above stated ; Leeway then went up to her, Mouche having now gained upon Brambilla, and coming up to Jenny in the last three strides, just in time to see Leeway win by two lengths and to beat Jenny by a neck. Brambilla ran fourth.
The result was as great a surprise as the Derby last year, and particularly to Mr. Stonehewer, who testified his admiration of Edwards's riding by presenting him
with five hundred pounds. He also received other presents before he dismounted. Immediately after the race, the mare was christened "Variation." Sir M. Wood, Mr. Gully, Mr. Justice, Sze. are reported to be good winners on the race. Value of the Stakes, 2,2751.
The Woodcote Park Stakes of 10 sovs. each, and 10 sore, added, for three yrs. old and upwards. Last Half Mile, Mr. Maberly's Erymus, 3 yrs. est. 121b. Mr. Gardnor's ch. c. by Ruben;, 3 yrs. est. 71b. 2 Mr. :Moor's Naughty Tommy, aged, 8st. 111b. 3 Mr. Rush's Jenkins, 5 yrs. list. 41b. 4 Onepaid. Won cleverly by a length. 'The Union Stakes of 10 sovs. each, for colts, Bat. 61b. ; and fillies, Set. 31b. ; by Middleton or Cydnus, the owner of the latter adding 50 sovs. Woodcote Course.
Mr. Maberly's Antigone, by Middleton 1
Mr. Young's ch. f. Alexandrine .... 2 Mr. Farrall's c. by Middleton—Naughty Girl ...... . 3 Mr. Theobald's Half-pay, by Cydnus . 4 One paid. Won cleverly by a length. Match-50 sovs. Two Miles.
Lord W. Lennox's Miss Craven, Oat. 41b.. ......... 1 Lord Ranelagles Queen of Hearts, ist. 41b. 2 Won by four lengths.
Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, and 50 added by the Town, for three yrs. old, est. 7th. four yrs. 8st. 21b.; five yrs. Set. 91b. • six and aged, Sat. Winners extra. Heats, Two Miles. The winner to be sold for 200 sovs. Esc., and the second horse to save his stake. Four subscribers.
Mr. Sadler's Popinjay, aged (Chapel) 1 1
Mr. Hedley's Blinker, 4 yrs. .......
Won by a neck, after two severe heats.
S. Leger—Priam is now at 7 to 2, Raby at 10 to 1, and Brunswicker at 33 to 1. Naria's running is expected to send Hassan back.