Before we leave the subject of the Ministry we desire
to say a word as to Lord Haldane's resignation of the Great Seal. Nothing has become him better than this act of katriotism ; hut Lord Haldane has never hesitated to spend himself and his energies freely in the service of his country. When, like other members of the Ministry, he saw that the formation of a National Cabinet was necessary, he realized also that a new Ministry could not be made if all the old Ministers remained in office, and that it was, therefore, necessary that those in the highest posts should set an example of self-sacrifice. Not only will Liberal Maidens regret so greatly valued a colleague, but the country as awhole, which judges justly and widely and not on petty points, will regret the loss of Lord Haldane. The service that he rendered to the country in the creation of the Territorial system is one which can never be forgotten. That system is one of the things in the Army which has worked with perfect success. It has given us well over half a million men of the very beat quality.