Besides Italy S Three Million New Men, We Must Reckon
the amazing improvement in the French Army. So great is that improvement, and so magnificent a fighting machine has the French Army become, that it seems almost like an imperti-......
The Government Is A National Government, And Its Prime Task
is to procure that concentration of national energy, that arraying of the people as a whole, which alone can ensure us victory. Every man in the nation must be at the disposal......
News Of The W Eek.
T HE National Ministry has been formed. It is perhaps a good omen that there has been no outburst of admira- tion over its composition, for who does not remember the fate of "......
There Is Another Service Done By Lord Haldane Which Is
not so often recognized. He gave us the National Reserve. It is true that the initial idea did not come from him but from the Surrey Territorial Association ; but Lord Haldane......
The Past Fortnight, Partly Perhaps Owing To The...
the political situation, has been marked by a great deal of anxiety and pessimism of a very unworthy kind. Yet there is no real cause for grumblings and lamentings, but strong......
To Convince Ourselves Of This We Have Only To Look,
as we have so often stated in these pages, at the war from the German point of view. The German who is not hypnotized by the action of his Government and who looks the facts in......
Before We Leave The Subject Of The Ministry We Desire
to say a word as to Lord Haldane's resignation of the Great Seal. Nothing has become him better than this act of katriotism ; hut Lord Haldane has never hesitated to spend......